Conte-Ecology / conteStreamTemperature

Package for cleaning and analyzing stream daily stream temperature
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Revise scripts for moving means of air and precip #19

Closed djhocking closed 9 years ago

djhocking commented 9 years ago

Revise the scripts to calculate the moving means for airTemp (5-day) and prcp (30-day) to replace the 1 & 2 day lagged effects. This will require working with the longer records of Daymet rather than just for the days with observed water temperature data so that the first 4 and 29 days don't get NA.

djhocking commented 9 years ago

I figured out a quick way to add the moving means with dplyr and zoo (and add lagged effects). Apparently there is also a RccpRoll package that is supposed to be incredibly fast but I can't get it installed right now. I will have to wait to do the moving means until the database is set up and I can do it on the daymet data before joining with the observed data and before clipping the breakpoints so I'm not adding NA to the data.



df <- expand.grid(site = factor(seq(10)),
                    year = 2000:2004,
                    day = 1:50)
# use Poisson to make math easy to check moving means of temperature
df$temp <- rpois(dim(df)[1], 5) 
# Assume rains 33% of the days and averages 5 mm each time but highly variable
df$precip <- rbinom(dim(df)[1], 1, 1/3) * rlnorm(dim(df)[1], log(5), 1)

# moving mean for that day and previous days (e.g. 5 represents the mean of that day and the for previous days)
df2 <- df %>%
  group_by(site, year) %>%
  arrange(site, year, day) %>%
  mutate(temp.5 = rollsum(x = temp, 5, align = "right", fill = NA))
head(df2, 75)

# moving mean for the previous days not including the current day (e.g. 5 represents the mean of the 5 previous days)
df2 <- df2 %>%
  group_by(site, year) %>%
  mutate(temp.lag1 = lag(temp, n = 1)) %>%
  mutate(temp.2 = rollapply(data = temp.lag1, 
                            width = 2, 
                            FUN = mean, 
                            align = "right", 
                            fill = NA, 
                            na.rm = T))
head(df2, 75)

df2 <- df %>%
  group_by(site, year) %>%
  arrange(site, year, day) %>%
  mutate(temp.5 = rollsum(x = temp, 5, align = "right", fill = NA),
         temp.5.previous = rollapply(data = temp.lag1, 
                                     width = 2, 
                                     FUN = mean, 
                                     align = "right", 
                                     fill = NA, 
                                     na.rm = T)
         precip.30 = rollsum(x = precip, 30, align = "right", fill = NA))
head(df2, 75)