Conte-Ecology / conteStreamTemperature

Package for cleaning and analyzing stream daily stream temperature
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Build Error #26

Closed djhocking closed 9 years ago

djhocking commented 9 years ago
==> devtools::document(roclets=c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace'))

Updating conteStreamTemperature documentation
Loading conteStreamTemperature
Error in parse(text = lines, n = -1, srcfile = srcfile) : 
  /Users/Dan/Documents/Research/Stream_Climate_Change/conteStreamTemperature/R/predictionFunctions.R:590:0: unexpected end of input
588:   return(derivedfeatureidMetrics)
589: }
Calls: suppressPackageStartupMessages ... in_dir -> force -> source_many -> source_one -> parse
Execution halted

Exited with status 1.

I don't think the error is at the return() } stage. That looks okay. I think it has to do with Error in parse(text = lines, n = -1, srcfile = srcfile) :. I am not sure what that refers to but I think it might be the fetch from the database using the RPostgreSQL package. It could be a problem building a package that calls to the database. I have no idea. The code seems to work fine when I load the functions locally.

walkerjeffd commented 9 years ago

I tracked down the bug. You're missing an ending "}" for calcYearsMaxTemp(). I think the return statement might be within the wrong {} block also. I tried sourcing the functions one by one, and that one didn't have a ending bracket.

djhocking commented 9 years ago

Thanks. I guess I messed that up when I merged the two versions of the function. I didn't realize I had merged them after the last test. That's the problem with bouncing between 3 computers in a sleep-deprived state. I fixed it, rebuilt, and pushed. It should work now (fingers crossed).