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BlackList of phrases in Italics which are not Species #114

Closed petermr closed 9 years ago

petermr commented 9 years ago

Some italic phrases ("In vivo") may mimic species binomials. Make an empirical list for adding to AMI as blacklist regexes.

rossmounce commented 9 years ago

journals marked with \ are also valid Latin genera:

Ardea Ardeola Persoonia ** Nature Science Cell PNAS Blood Sleep Micron Alcohol Aquaculture Endeavour Morphologie Optik Vacuum Oxymag Gene Pain HOMO Circulation NEJM JAMA Neuron BMJ BMJOpen Hepatology Cladistics Ecology Immunity Biomaterials Pediatrics NeuroImage Neurology Corrosion Polyhedron CrystEngComm Gastroenterology Phytopathology Ethology Behaviour Alcheringa Theriogenology Animal Database Ibis Emu Waterbirds Oncogene Development Differentiation Oecologia Oikos Ecography Chemosphere Desalination Evolution Heredity Genetica Trees Forestry Forests Dendrochronologia Lithos Geology Tectonophysics Geomorphology Tectonics Groundwater Ecohydrology BioControl Apidologie Biogeosciences Hydrobiologia Mycologia Mycorrhiza Mycoses Mycopathologia Mycotaxon Mycoscience Mycobiology Oceanography Paleoceanography Paleobiology Palaios Palaeontology Lethaia Facies Geobios Geodiversitas Phytoparasitica Nematology Phytopathology Proteomics Peptides Neuropeptides Geoderma Catena Pedosphere Pedobiologia Sustainability Vaccine Virology Retrovirology Cellulose BioResources Holzforschung Cerne Zootaxa Phytotaxa Ethology ZooKeys

rossmounce commented 9 years ago

See also these 900+ culled from an EBSCO spreadsheet of journals and magazines: