The IJSEM phylotrees have an uncontrolled tip syntax:
genus species strain strain1? \(AAdddddd | AAAddddd | NC_dddddd\)
However we can't assume this in general. What other syntaxes are we likely to have to tackle?
genus species
are common, but there are many others. Can we come up with heuristics that work "most of the time"? Because otherwise we are gong to have to define this for each tree, which defeats the automation.
The IJSEM phylotrees have an uncontrolled tip syntax:
However we can't assume this in general. What other syntaxes are we likely to have to tackle?
are common, but there are many others. Can we come up with heuristics that work "most of the time"? Because otherwise we are gong to have to define this for each tree, which defeats the automation.