ContextInstitute / bfcom
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Created footer menu template method similar to header menu template #110

Closed DavidScottBernstein closed 5 years ago

DavidScottBernstein commented 5 years ago

…te method

Fixed #102 except for highlighting the active menu item

Style.css Smooth font resizing of footer menu text Added .menu-item-footer to font-size calc on line 746 to allow smooth font scaling on resizing.

footer.php Added call to our custom function bfc_bottom_nav() Fixed #102: Replaced call to joints_footer_links() on line 17 with a call to bfc_bottom_nav().

bfc_functions.php Bottom navigation menu template Fixed #102: Added bfc_bottom_nav_menu_builder() and bfc_bottom_nav_menu() to handle footer menu similarly to how we handle to top navigation menu. This vversion doesn't highlight the active menu item since this causes the menu item to disappear when the viewport becomes narrow.

rgilman commented 5 years ago

I'm happy to leave off any highlighting on the footer menu. This is making me realize that we don't yet have an architecture for how the pages that are linked to in the footer menu would relate to the top menu. They might be under Resources, in which case they might also show up in some kind of sub-menu under Resources where they could be highlighted when open.

I would, however, like to see the footer centered. Let's put the © on the same line as the menu items. I also feel the text could start smaller, say 16px, and go even smaller, say down to 12 or 11px. There is 16px of padding on each side of menu items (so 32px between), which we don't need on smaller screens. Please play with reducing both font size and padding to see if it can all fit on one line on a 320px wide screen.

rgilman commented 5 years ago

@DavidScottBernstein, I did some exploring last night to see if I could center the footer and found it harder than I imagined it to be. I eventually got it to work and thought it would be helpful to pass along what I found.

I had to remove the class small-12 medium-12 large-12 cell on lines 15 and 21 of footer.php. These are there for the Foundation approach to a grid which we aren't using, so no loss to strip them out. You'll want to create a new bfc class on line 15 and style it with margin: auto;. If you move the copyright info up so that everything is on one line, then you'll be taking out lines 21 to 23 anyway.

Hope that helps.

iangilman commented 5 years ago

Code looks great so far! Please update with @rgilman's suggestions :-)

iangilman commented 5 years ago

The changes look reasonable to me. @rgilman Can you check to see if it matches your expectations?

rgilman commented 5 years ago

I've made some adjustments that I'll describe in #102. I'm happy with it now and will merge it.