ContextInstitute / bfcom
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Get single-site blog working #111

Closed rgilman closed 5 years ago

rgilman commented 5 years ago

Our local instances are single-site and I expect our initial production instance to be single-site. However, is multisite and we've been carrying the multisite / multiblog setup along from that.

This PR addresses that through changes in bfc_top_nav_menu_builder() and bfc_top_nav_is_active()

I also needed to rename home.php to homepage.php. home.php turns out to be a reversed name in the WordPress template hierarchy and was forcing dev.bfcom.local/blog/ to use home.php which is meant for the non-blog home page. I got clues to this from Blog Page Redirects To Homepage and from Query Monitor's template listing.

You will need to make some Admin changes to mesh with the coding changes.

  1. Go to Admin Dashboard > Pages and find the page called "BFNet Blog". It should be marked as the "Posts Page"
  2. Hover over it and choose Quick Edit. You will then see something like this: screen shot 2019-02-01 at 7 45 37 pm
  3. Change the slug from bfnet-blog to just blog.

This change can be made before merging the new version.

iangilman commented 5 years ago

Looks like some good clean up!

iangilman commented 5 years ago

(I've made the change locally and filed #112 for the others to do so)