ContextLab / attention-memory-task

An experiment used to explore interactions between covert attention and recognition memory
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modularize code #61

Closed KirstensGitHub closed 5 years ago

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

opt to run localizer or pres+mem each time

print reminder to experimenter number of exp runs and localizer runs so far

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

first, make sure the exp code on this branch is up-to-date with master branch (task code and experiment helpers worth checking)

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

@jeremymanning preference for having exp runs and localizers in the same order for each subject? randomized?

jeremymanning commented 5 years ago

the experiment runs should always come first and localizers second, but i think the trial order within those blocks (i.e. order of experiment trials within the experiment block, and localizers within the localizer block) should be randomized by subject. how is it currently organized?

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

sounds good! blocks within exp are randomized :) have localizer coded (thanks @amartinez2020 !) but have not yet integrated into the main experiment timeline.

we will put randomized experiment blocks followed by randomized localizer blocks