ContextLab / attention-memory-task

An experiment used to explore interactions between covert attention and recognition memory
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Check Figure 2 #76

Closed KirstensGitHub closed 4 years ago

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

At today's meeting we discussed checking the generation of each stat and figure from the beginning (data compilation) to the final stat/figure.

This issue will be a review of the checks done for FIgure 2 - violin plots

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago



KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

Below is the hand check for the bars in the violin plot for Experiment 1. For each significant relationship, there is a letter to the right of each t-test indicating the letter/label of the line in the plot representing the relationship.

Untitled 2

Below is the hand check for the bars in the violin plot for Experiment 2. For each significant relationship, there is a letter to the right of each t-test indicating the letter/label of the line in the plot representing the relationship.

Untitled 3

Below is the hand check for the stars in the violin plot for Experiment 1.

Untitled 4

Below is the hand check for the stars in the violin plot for Experiment 2.


KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

@jeremymanning this issue is ready for review !

jeremymanning commented 5 years ago

It looks like this is a test of the plots (looks sufficient). We should also test that the numbers that go into the plots are correct. E.g. spot check a few examples for each stimulus and attention category to make sure the within-participant means are correct, and then also check that the across-participant means are correctly reflected in the violin plots.

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

@jeremymanning that sounds good! I use the pandas groupby functions to group by subject, attention level, and image category (with the image labeling having already been checked in issue 77) and take the mean, so I think this check would be the equivalent of checking the pandas groupby function. (The way pandas averages over nans is what tripped me up with the small sliding window difference, so it's not unreasonable to check, just making sure we're on the same page.)

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

info on pandas groupby: