ContextLab / attention-memory-task

An experiment used to explore interactions between covert attention and recognition memory
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Check Functions for Figures 4, 5, 6 #82

Closed KirstensGitHub closed 4 years ago

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

Here, we are checking our sliding window plots. This involves checking the data to make sure the behavioral files have the correct information (Check 0, CHECK A), making sure our sliding windows average correctly over the data (Check B), and verifying that our timepoint-by-timepoint ttests correctly identify points when the timecourses are significantly different (CHECK C).



KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

CHECK A1-A2: Novel Image Label, Code Check


CHECK A3: Novel Image Label, Manual Check

exp1_16_0_novelTest_colored.xlsx exp2_33_4_novelTest_colored.xlsx

CHECK B Check our sliding window function, and check theoretical with toy dataset



Check significant difference plotting at each timepoint for sliding windows


KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

previous sliding window function:

def apply_window(combo, window_length): ''' input: dataframe of behavioral data from an entire experiment output: dataframe of same shape where raw values have been replaced by rolling window mean '''

# select data from memory runs
data = combo[combo['Trial Type']=='Memory'][['Attention Level','Familiarity Rating','Trial','Subject','Run']]

# re-structure the data - each row is a trial, each column is an attn level
df = data.pivot_table(index=['Subject','Run','Trial'], columns='Attention Level', values='Familiarity Rating')

# apply rolling window, for each run in each subject
window_data = df.groupby(['Subject','Run']).apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window_length, min_periods=1, center=True).mean())


updated window function:

`def apply_window(combo, window_length): ''' input: dataframe of behavioral data from an entire experiment output: dataframe of same shape where raw values have been replaced by rolling window mean '''

# select data from memory runs
data = combo[combo['Trial Type']=='Memory'][['Attention Level','Familiarity 

# re-structure the data - each row is a trial, each column is an attn level
df = data.pivot_table(index=['Subject', 'Trial'], columns='Attention Level', values='Familiarity Rating')

# apply rolling window, for each run in each subject
window_data = df.groupby(['Subject']).apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window_length, min_periods=1, center=True).mean())

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago


plots showing timecourses and violins together, for visual comparison: Screen Shot 2019-09-13 at 3 17 01 PM

KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago

CHECK D Numerical comparisons of means from sliding windows and raw data

Here I calculate the mean familiarity ratings from the raw data, as well as the mean familiarity from the timeseries data with sliding windows of sizes 1, 5, and 20.

We see that, using our code to apply a sliding window of size 1, then averaging, yields the same mean as the mean from the raw data, but larger window sizes yield means that are slightly, increasingly different. This shows that the code implementing the window isn't inherently changing the data in an undesired way (given that window size of 1 yields the same mean values), but that the actual act of averaging over the sliding window yields a mean that is not identical.

Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 6 49 22 PM
KirstensGitHub commented 5 years ago


toy data showing that average of sliding windows and average of raw data are not identical (start section 5: Show that the mean..."): Sliding_Window_Check_1 (4).pdf