ContextLab / quail

A python toolbox for analyzing and plotting free recall data
MIT License
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feature request: custom analysis function #31

Open andrewheusser opened 7 years ago

andrewheusser commented 7 years ago

With our current model, I think it would be pretty easy to support custom list-wise analyses. For instance, the user could do something like this:

custom_analysis = lambda lst: [item+1 for item in lst]
pyr.analyze(pyro, analysis='custom', analysis_function=custom_analysis)

admittedly a stupid custom analysis but you get the point..think this would be desirable?

jeremymanning commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I like it. I'd love to foster a community of users/developers where we could have a "analysis zoo" of interesting functions that could be plugged into our toolbox. After releasing, we could be good citizens (lead by example) and release a few examples into the zoo.

andrewheusser commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking this will be a v2 feature

jeremymanning commented 7 years ago

👍 we don't want users to have too much freedom, or they might "get ideas"