ContextMapper / context-mapper-dsl

ContextMapper DSL: A Domain-specific Language for Context Mapping & Service Decomposition
Apache License 2.0
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User story syntax is quite restrictive in "I want to" part #341

Open socadk opened 11 months ago

socadk commented 11 months ago

I cannot write:

UserStory US1_Example {
  As an "Insurance Employee"
    I want to "doSomething" 
  so that "I am able to manage the customers data and offer them insurance contracts."
stefan-ka commented 11 months ago

Yes, I agree that it can be tricky sometimes without knowing the exact grammar behind the logic. I'm open to improvements here, as long as we can implement it with Xtext.

In your example, you do not separate the verb and the noun. If you just separate "do" and "Something", it compiles:

UserStory US1_Example {
  As an "Insurance Employee"
    I want to "do" "Something"
  so that "I am able to manage the customers data and offer them insurance contracts."

This is actually something we also need for the OOAD transformations. To generate service operations and entities, we need this separation.

socadk commented 11 months ago

Poor example... I just want to specify a verb. "I want to work". No entity generated in this case.

stefan-ka commented 11 months ago

Fair enough 👍