ContextMapper / context-mapper-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for Context-Mapper generator.
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Maven plugin #1

Open zambrovski opened 2 years ago

zambrovski commented 2 years ago

Hi folks,

I love the idea of a language for modelling context maps and would like to integrate it in my CI/CD. For this purpose, I would like to create an integration with Apache Maven and generate diagrams during build to be included into documentation.

Do you think it is reasonable? I could provide a PR with a Maven Mojo covering the same scope as the CLI... Probably, it is a good idea to separate it into an independent repository..

What is your opinion on that?



stefan-ka commented 2 years ago

Hi @zambrovski

Sure, I also have thought about that...

Currently I just do it by including the CLI as dependency...


...and then use the exec-maven-plugin to generate my stuff. Here an example for the PlantUML generator:


You could basically do the same to generate the Context Map. The generator parameter (-g) just had to be replaced with context-map, as documented here:

But I totally agree that it could be done nicer with a Maven plugin. If you would want to do that, I would like to have it in a separate repository, yes. I could create one, just let me know when you are ready with your PR ;)

Best regards, Stefan

zambrovski commented 2 years ago

Great.. Will do soon...

zambrovski commented 2 years ago


I created a repository with implementation here:

I could transfer it into your org, if you like it.



zambrovski commented 2 years ago

By the way - currently it is only the basic integration. Let us start with that and extend it further afterwards... I envision not to specify single model files, but specify file sets for generation...

stefan-ka commented 2 years ago

Sure @zambrovski. You can initiate the transfer! Thank you very much for your work.

zambrovski commented 2 years ago

I initialized the transfer to you (@stefan-ka). Please accept it and then transfer it to the organization (it only works like this, since I'm not a member of ContextMapper)...

In the same time - I would join with pleasure.

I believe we could do some more interesting stuff together. Are you following the jmolecules project? I think those two projects should have more in common...

stefan-ka commented 2 years ago

Hi @zambrovski

Thank you very much!

I transfered the repo:

I also invited you for the organization - I am always happy for new people that support us.

Regarding jMolecules: Of course, I know the library. I don't know if you have already seen this here? We made an ArchUnit extension ( to check the code against a CML model, based on JMolecules annotations. I am however open to any new ideas you have in mind ;)

Best regards, Stefan

stefan-ka commented 1 year ago

Open TODOs here: