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Explain how Context Mapper can be used to capture domain storytelling results #78

Open socadk opened 1 year ago

socadk commented 1 year ago

See for concepts in the pictographic language: "Actors create, work with, and exchange work objects and information about work objects."

ambition-consulting commented 4 days ago

I don't know the context mapper enough (yet) to really make a contribution to this explanation, but I would certainly recommend using this plantuml-plugin:

To me, domain story telling provides the big-picture "in which sequence" behind user stories. User stories only provide the local who, what and why, but do not tell the entire story - they do not explain in which sequence each user has their local story told.

Consider this excellent example: image

Clearly a bus driver has a user story of logging details of a journey (5), but that tells nothing about the big picture, containing all relevant users, domains and applications contributing in a certain sequence to the "business epic".

So to model and visualize this properly, you would probably need to apply the same flow-chart generation done for events/commands to user stories.

stefan-ka commented 3 days ago

Thank you very much @ambition-consulting for the pointer! I was not aware of this plugin... We have to check whether we have everything in the CML language to model such domain stories; maybe some language adjustments are needed and then we could write a generator for this.