Closed ccorley closed 2 years ago
Unless I am trying to reproduce this incorrectly, I can't reproduce it.
(base) [linux1@testpython ~]$ uname -a
Linux testpython 4.18.0-305.12.1.el8_4.s390x #1 SMP Mon Jul 26 07:40:30 EDT 2021 s390x s390x s390x GNU/Linux
(base) [linux1@testpython ~]$ cat Dockerfile
FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.12.0
(base) [linux1@testpython ~]$ docker build .
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
STEP 1/1: FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.12.0
Resolved "continuumio/miniconda3" as an alias (/home/linux1/.cache/containers/short-name-aliases.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 4357873446a2 done
Copying blob f7bb6d2d11c3 done
Copying blob 729b2f9ea9d8 done
Copying config aba15d5f72 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
--> aba15d5f726
(base) [linux1@testpython ~]$ docker run -it aba15d5f7264952b991864ba2ae851f33bf47bd35bac1cab78143b0f66bd128d sh
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
# conda --version
conda 4.12.0
Thanks for taking the time to test this - this is actually good news. That is how indeed how I would reproduce it, so it may have been a local machine issue, although I uninstalled and reinstalled docker, deleted and reloaded docker images and everything I could think of. On my end, I worked around this issue by basing the container on a python alpine image, but it would have been preferable to use the conda image due to ease of configuration. I am closing this as unreproducible.
What happened?
Building a docker image based on continuumio/miniconda3:4.12.0 results in an "Illegal instruction" crash during a docker build on an LinuxONE (s390x) VM running RHEL 8.4. Also tested with 4.10.3 and 4.11.0 with the same results.
To reproduce, create a Dockerfile with just 1 line on an s390x VM running RHEL 8.4: FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.12.0 Then run
docker build .
Then rundocker run -it <imageid> sh
In the image, runconda --version
,pip --version
,python -c "print(Test)"
These all result in an "Illegal instruction".Building a new base image around an s390x installer such as: also results in an illegal instruction crash on an s390x VM running RHEL 8.4. Use this Dockerfile to reproduce, but replace the installer script with the s390x installer script. This fails with an "Illegal instruction" during build. Tested with installers for 4.10.3, 4.11.0 and 4.12.0.
Core dump:
Running the builds as root. Also, adding 'ENV TMP /tmp' to the Dockerfile does not help.
Conda info
Conda config
Conda list
Additional Context
To obtain a free LinuxONE VM, see the 1st step here and use rhel8 as the OS: