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Unable to force install when troubleshooting on Windows 7 #1355

Open cdkorzen opened 7 years ago

cdkorzen commented 7 years ago

I have Windows 7, 64bit. My Anaconda platform crashed after a hard-link failure during an update, suddenly the command prompt had no idea "conda" was and the Navigator icon was gone.

Under the documentation there's a troubleshooting step, How can I force Miniconda to install?. I tried to install over my existing tree.

On Windows, neither installer Anaconda3-4.2.0-Windows-x86_64.exe nor Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe will allow installation over an existing directory. They just raise an error and say to try a new location. I tried starting from the command line with "-f", "/f", and using the "/D=" options. In all 6 combinations, the installer refused to overlay the old setup.

Ideally, the installers should allow a user to overlay existing directories. Alternatively, the troubleshooting documentation needs to be updated to indicate that the step is not valid for any Windows platform.

ilanschnell commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Unlike the Unix bash installers, the Windows installer (as well as the Mac OS GUI installer) do not have the -f force option. This is certainly something which would be useful for the Windows installer to have, and we should consider adding such a feature. Thanks