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Anaconda 5.0.0 - not installed packages #6386

Open yellowhat opened 7 years ago

yellowhat commented 7 years ago

Hi all, I am trying to install Anaconda 5.0.0 on a Windows 7 64bit machine. Even if the installation is completed, most packages are not installed. For example in the start menu there is a folder called Anaconda2 (64-bit) and inside there is only Anaconda Prompt, if I run this one I get:

"C:\Anaconda2\Scripts\activate.bat" no recognized

Infact in Anaconda2/Scripts there is no conda.exe or spyder.exe, but in C:\Anaconda2\pkgs\spyder-3.2.3-py27hbf30467_0\Scripts there is the spyder executable but it is not copied to the destination folder. This problem is quite strange because in the previous release (4.4.0) after the installation everything was ready to run.


mingwandroid commented 7 years ago

Would it be possible to copy the installation log? Control-C in the dialog should copy everything. If you can please send it to me directly:

yellowhat commented 7 years ago


Here is my installation .log

yellowhat commented 7 years ago

Same problem with Anaconda 3 5.0.0.


yellowhat commented 7 years ago

Miniconda2-latest-Windows-x86_64 (2017-09-26) seems to work.

Here is the installation log: install_mini.log

SenWang commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem as @yellowhat

keighrim commented 6 years ago

Experiencing a similar problem. Win 10, 64 bit. My installation log For some reason, all the packages, including python 3.6 itself, are extracted to ANACONDA_PATH/pkgs then not moved to the wherever they are supposed to be. Attached results from tree from ANACONDA_PATH

@/d/Dev/Anaconda3 []
$ 11:28:28>> tree -d -L 2
|-- Lib
`-- pkgs
    |-- _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf-0.1.0-py36he6757f0_0
    |-- alabaster-0.7.10-py36hcd07829_0
    |-- anaconda-5.0.0-py36hea9b2fc_0
    |-- anaconda-client-1.6.5-py36hd36550c_0
    |-- anaconda-navjgator-1.6.8-py36h4b7dd57_0
    |-- anaconda-project-0.8.0-py36h8b3bf89_0
    |-- asn1crypto-0.22.0-py36h8e79faa_1
    |-- astroid-1.5.3-py36h9d85297_0
    |-- astropy-2.0.2-py36h06391c4_4
    |-- babel-2.5.0-py36h35444c1_0
    |-- backports-1.0-py36h81696a8_1
    |-- backports.shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0-py36h79ab834_2
    |-- beautifulsoup4-4.6.0-py36hd4cc5e8_1
    |-- bitarray-0.8.1-py36h6af124b_0
    |-- bkcharts-0.2-py36h7e685f7_0
    |-- blaze-0.11.3-py36h8a29ca5_0
    |-- bleach-2.0.0-py36h0a7e3d6_0
    |-- bokeh-0.12.7-py36h012f572_1
    |-- boto-2.48.0-py36h1a776d2_1
    |-- bottleneck-1.2.1-py36hd119dfa_0
    |-- bzip2-1.0.6-vc14hdec8e7a_1
    |-- ca-certificates-2017.08.26-h94faf87_0
    |-- cache
    |-- cachecontrol-0.12.3-py36hfe50d7b_0
    |-- certifi-2017.7.27.1-py36h043bc9e_0
    |-- cffi-1.10.0-py36hae3d1b5_1
    |-- chardet-3.0.4-py36h420ce6e_1
    |-- click-6.7-py36hec8c647_0
    |-- python-3.6.2-h6679aeb_11
@/d/Dev/Anaconda3 []
$ 11:31:07>> tree -L 1 pkgs/python-3.6.2-h6679aeb_11
|-- DLLs
|-- Lib
|-- Scripts
|-- Tools
|-- include
|-- info
|-- libs
|-- python.exe
|-- python.pdb
|-- python3.dll
|-- python36.dll
|-- python36.pdb
|-- pythonw.exe
|-- pythonw.pdb
`-- tcl
phongphung commented 6 years ago

same problem with @keighrim

keighrim commented 6 years ago

I managed to workaround this issue by

  1. deleting existing anaconda installation and dotfiles(.anaconda, .ipython, .jupyter. etc) in my $HOME (I don't have a comprehensive list of anaconda-related dotfiles, so I just eyeballed to find as many as I can).
  2. running anaconda installer as a user (not admin).
  3. installing anaconda "only for me", not adding it to $PATH

I had to manually add anaconda to $PATH afterward.

yellowhat commented 6 years ago

Same problem with 5.0.1.

yellowhat commented 6 years ago

Even doing as suggested by keighrim.

SenWang commented 6 years ago

Problem solved with 5.0.1, I love anaconda :)

kawing-chiu commented 6 years ago

Same issue on windows server 2008, anaconda 5.0.1

ghost commented 6 years ago

Issue is still present in Anaconda 5.2.0 on Windows 10 64bit

duplicate issue: #8460

KristijanCetina commented 6 years ago

same issue over here. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.228] Anaconda3-5.2.0-Windows-x86_64

tried to install miniconda but also installed without conda.exe. prior to this issue I had installed anaconda but had to reinstall due to dead kernel after update.