ContinuumIO / anaconda-issues

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rstudio with mro problems #9710

Open shubhvachher opened 6 years ago

shubhvachher commented 6 years ago

Actual Behavior

Installing R with :

conda create -n R
source activate R
conda install r-essentials

gives a working R environment that uses MRO and 2 cores. Then installing rstudio with

conda install rstudio

succeeds with no errors but opening an R prompt or rstudio gives :

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘RevoUtilsMath’:
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'RevoUtilsMath', details:
  call: NULL
  error: Remove Microsoft R and then re-install.
Be sure to select MKL libraries as an install option.
Anaconda or Miniconda version:

anaconda Command line client (version 1.6.14) conda 4.5.4

Operating System:

Ubuntu 16.04 Tested also on Ubuntu 14.04

conda info
     active environment : R
    active env location : /home/S/anaconda3/envs/R
            shell level : 1
       user config file : /home/S/.condarc
 populated config files : /home/S/.condarc
          conda version : 4.5.4
    conda-build version : 3.10.9
         python version :
       base environment : /home/S/anaconda3  (writable)
           channel URLs :
          package cache : /home/S/anaconda3/pkgs
       envs directories : /home/S/anaconda3/envs
               platform : linux-64
             user-agent : conda/4.5.4 requests/2.19.1 CPython/3.6.5 Linux/4.13.0-45-generic ubuntu/16.04 glibc/2.23
                UID:GID : 1000:1000
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False
shubhvachher commented 6 years ago

oh. If this helps : Some installed packages related to R

rstudio                   1.1.423              hcfd39f1_0    defaults
_r-mutex                  1.0.0                     mro_2    defaults
mro-base                  3.4.3                h1c2f66e_0    defaults
mro-basics                3.4.3                         0    defaults
r-assertthat              0.2.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-backports               1.1.2           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-base64enc               0.1_3           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-bh                      1.65.0_1        mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-bindr                   0.1             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-bindrcpp                0.2             mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-bit                     1.1_12          mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-bit64                   0.9_7           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-bitops                  1.0_6           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-blob                    1.1.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-boot                    1.3_20                 mro343_0    defaults
r-broom                   0.4.3           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-callr                   1.0.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-caret                   6.0_78          mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-catools                 1.17.1          mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-cellranger              1.1.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-checkpoint              0.4.3                  mro343_0    defaults
r-class                   7.3_14                 mro343_0    defaults
r-cli                     1.0.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-clipr                   0.4.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-cluster                 2.0.6                  mro343_0    defaults
r-codetools               0.2_15                 mro343_0    defaults
r-colorspace              1.3_2           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-config                  0.2             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-crayon                  1.3.4           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-curl                    3.1                    mro343_0    defaults
r-cvst                    0.2_1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-data.table              1.10.4_3        mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-dbi                     0.7             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-dbplyr                  1.1.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-ddalpha                 1.3.1           mro343h44b0c2a_0    defaults
r-deoptimr                1.0_8           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-deployrrserve           9.0.0                  mro343_0    defaults
r-dichromat               2.0_0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-digest                  0.6.13          mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-dimred                  0.1.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-doparallel              1.0.12                 mro343_0    defaults
r-dplyr                   0.7.4           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-drr                     0.0.2           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-essentials              3.4.3                  mro343_0    defaults
r-evaluate                0.10.1          mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-forcats                 0.2.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-foreach                 1.4.5                  mro343_0    defaults
r-foreign                 0.8_69                 mro343_0    defaults
r-formatr                 1.5             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-ggplot2                 2.2.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-glmnet                  2.0_13          mro343h4829c52_0    defaults
r-glue                    1.2.0           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-gower                   0.1.2           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-gtable                  0.2.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-haven                   1.1.0           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-hexbin                  1.27.1          mro343h4829c52_0    defaults
r-highr                   0.6             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-hms                     0.4.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-htmltools               0.3.6           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-htmlwidgets             0.9             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-httpuv                  1.3.5           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-httr                    1.3.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-ipred                   0.9_6           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-irdisplay               0.4.4           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-irkernel                0.8.11                 mro343_0    defaults
r-iterators               1.0.9                  mro343_0    defaults
r-jsonlite                1.5                    mro343_0    defaults
r-kernlab                 0.9_25          mro343h44b0c2a_0    defaults
r-kernsmooth              2.23_15                mro343_0    defaults
r-knitr                   1.18            mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-labeling                0.3             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-lattice                 0.20_35                mro343_0    defaults
r-lava                    1.5.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-lazyeval                0.2.1           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-lubridate               1.7.1           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-magrittr                1.5             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-maps                    3.2.0           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-markdown                0.8             mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-mass                    7.3_47                 mro343_0    defaults
r-matrix                  1.2_12                 mro343_0    defaults
r-mgcv                    1.8_22                 mro343_0    defaults
r-microsoftr                 mro343_0    defaults
r-mime                    0.5             mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-miniui                  0.1.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-mnormt                  1.5_5           mro343h4829c52_0    defaults
r-modelmetrics            1.1.0           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-modelr                  0.1.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-mongolite               1.4             mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-munsell                 0.4.3           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-nlme                    3.1_131                mro343_0    defaults
r-nnet                    7.3_12                 mro343_0    defaults
r-numderiv                2016.8_1        mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-odbc                    1.1.3           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-openssl                 0.9.9           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-packrat                 0.4.8_1         mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-pbdzmq                  0.2_6           mro343h599a50d_1    defaults
r-pillar                  1.0.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-pkgconfig               2.0.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-pki                     0.1_5.1         mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-plogr                   0.1_1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-plyr                    1.8.4           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-png                     0.1_7                  mro343_0    defaults
r-prodlim                 1.6.1           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-profvis                 0.3.4           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-psych                   1.7.8           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-purrr                   0.2.4           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-quantmod                0.4_12          mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-r6                      2.2.2                  mro343_0    defaults
r-randomforest            4.6_12          mro343h4829c52_0    defaults
r-rappdirs                0.3.1           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-rbokeh                  0.6.3                  mro343_0    defaults
r-rcolorbrewer            1.1_2           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-rcpp                    0.12.14         mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-rcpproll                0.2.2           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-rcurl                   1.95_4.9        mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-readr                   1.1.1           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-readxl                  1.0.0           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-recipes                 0.1.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-recommended             3.4.3                  mro343_0    defaults
r-rematch                 1.0.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-repr                    0.12.0          mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-reprex                  0.1.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-reshape2                1.4.3           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-revoioq                 8.0.9                  mro343_0    defaults
r-revomods                11.0.0                 mro343_0    defaults
r-revoutilsmath           10.0.1                 mro343_0    defaults
r-rjava                   0.9_9           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-rjdbc                   0.2_5           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-rjsonio                 1.3_0           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-rlang                   0.1.6           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-rmarkdown               1.8             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-robustbase              0.92_8          mro343h4829c52_0    defaults
r-rpart                   4.1_11                 mro343_0    defaults
r-rprojroot               1.3_1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-rsconnect               0.8.5           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-rstudioapi              0.7             mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-runit                   0.4.26                 mro343_0    defaults
r-rvest                   0.3.2           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-scales                  0.5.0           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-selectr                 0.3_1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-sfsmisc                 1.1_1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-shiny                   1.0.5           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-sourcetools             0.1.6           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-sparklyr                0.6.4           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-spatial                 7.3_11                 mro343_0    defaults
r-stringi                 1.1.6           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-stringr                 1.2.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-survival                2.41_3                 mro343_0    defaults
r-tibble                  1.4.1           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-tidyr                   0.7.2           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-tidyselect              0.2.3           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-tidyverse               1.2.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-timedate                3042.101        mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-ttr                     0.23_2          mro343h4829c52_0    defaults
r-utf8                    1.1.2           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-uuid                    0.1_2           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-viridislite             0.2.0           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-whisker                 0.3_2           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-withr                   2.1.1           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-xml2                    1.1.1           mro343h599a50d_0    defaults
r-xtable                  1.8_2           mro343h889e2dd_0    defaults
r-xts                     0.10_1          mro343h4829c52_0    defaults
r-yaml                    2.1.16          mro343h086d26f_0    defaults
r-zoo                     1.8_0           mro343h086d26f_0    defaults

I see many of the R issues have @goanpeca @mingwandroid. Any help would be much appreciated. Is this an issue with anaconda packaging of rstudio?

shubhvachher commented 6 years ago

Ah. Solution to above is to, without first installing r-essentials directly install rstudio. i.e

conda create -n R
source activate R
conda install rstudio

I don't yet want to close this issue... because it's still an issue in packaging I guess. Feel free to close it whenever @ admins.