I have had some trouble installing spyder into existing conda environments. I seem to be able to have worked around this by updating the packages that spyder depends on, I think all that really mattered was qt, namely going from 4.8.5 to 4.8.7. It suggests to me that the meta.yaml for spyder is not resctrictive enough on the dependencies.
For instance, the py35 error was
line 260, in set_editor
from spyderlib.qt.QtWebKit import QWebView
File "...//python3.5/site-packages/spyderlib/qt/QtWebKit.py", line 10, in <module>
from PyQt4.QtWebKit import * # analysis:ignore
ImportError: ...//python3.5/site-packages/PyQt4/QtNetwork.so: undefined symbol: _ZTI10QSslSocket
I have had some trouble installing spyder into existing conda environments. I seem to be able to have worked around this by updating the packages that spyder depends on, I think all that really mattered was qt, namely going from 4.8.5 to 4.8.7. It suggests to me that the meta.yaml for spyder is not resctrictive enough on the dependencies.
For instance, the py35 error was