ContinuumIO / ciocheck

Continuum Analytics linter, formatter and test suite helper.
MIT License
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Ciocheck config #27

Open goanpeca opened 7 years ago

goanpeca commented 7 years ago
unix: cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/deploy && python -m pytest --cov=anaconda_platform.deploy --cov-report=term-missing:skip-covered --cov-report=html --cov-fail-under=100 --no-cov-on-fail --cov-config=.coveragerc anaconda_platform/deploy/tests

@goanpeca so this is essentially what I want to do with ciocheck (see also the .coveragerc in this PR). The reason ciocheck doesn't work (I think?) is that if I cd into deploy subdir as I do here, ciocheck can't find the .ciocheck in the root dir one level up. (I have .ciocheck-test which does an inherit_from .ciocheck, and I think the inherit_from looks relative to cwd not relative to ciocheck-test?). If I don't cd into the deploy subdir then the module paths are messed up which causes its own trouble.

if you want you can check this branch out and try ./apb test deploy to see what my command here does and play with using ciocheck in kapsel.yml instead..

@havocp could please add any additional context here. The initial version of ciocheck was very limited in terms of where to look for config and stuff. But if you define some "rules" that make sense to you I can make a new release in a week or so.

goanpeca commented 7 years ago

I am making new fixes this week so that 0.2 is coming soon. If you can lay out any other requests I can make them happen :-)