ContinuumIO / elm

Phase I & part of Phase II of NASA SBIR - Parallel Machine Learning on Satellite Data
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Current elm / elm-readers status #142

Closed PeterDSteinberg closed 7 years ago

PeterDSteinberg commented 7 years ago

I have separated what was the elm.readers subpackage of elm in this repo to elm-readers. Then I realized it is a pain to have a separate repo that creates a subpackage (namespace package issues), so I changed the name of what was elm.readers subpackage (elm-readers) to be a high level package just called earthio (it may be a temporary name- we need to review names of everything anyway in next month). I created this issue to start discussion on architecture and show how to work with my changes to elm and earthio (formerly elm.readers).

Dev setup

I made a folder called earth in the directory where I do all my work and I have in there many repos cloned that are relevant to elm and datashader:

With elm I am on the python-2-separate-pkgs branch doing python develop (and it is working okay in 3.5 but has some issues in 2.7 and 3.6 not addressed yet). With elm-readers I am on the rename-to-earth-io branch here. There are of course inconsistencies in many parts of elm, elm-examples and documentation regarding the move of elm.readers (from elm.readers import statements should just be changed to from earthio import statements [or what we decide to call earthio]).

PeterDSteinberg commented 7 years ago

This issue was a description of an experiment early with earthio: