ContinuumIO / elm

Phase I & part of Phase II of NASA SBIR - Parallel Machine Learning on Satellite Data
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Resampling / regridding example Pipeline with xarray and gridtools #164

Open PeterDSteinberg opened 7 years ago

PeterDSteinberg commented 7 years ago

Make an example notebook that uses elm's Pipeline (docs here) to with resampling / regridding as an intermediate step, where the resampling / regridding step uses an elm.steps.ModifySample transformer to use gridtools: . ModifySample is described in the docs here

See also:

After the notebook, see how this may be generalized relative to xarray and elm.

cc @forman @gbrener @jbednar

PeterDSteinberg commented 7 years ago

166 (WIP) does some regridding using datashader tools.

gbrener commented 7 years ago

This seems heavily related (possibly a duplicate) of #175 . Perhaps we can consolidate them into one issue?