ContriHUB / Just-Share

Android app that enables quick transfer of photos, videos, documents, and audio files using WiFiDirect and Bluetooth.
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Implement History Feature #4

Open SaiDheerajPeketi opened 1 month ago

SaiDheerajPeketi commented 1 month ago

🚀Feature Request


The requested feature is to implement a History feature that tracks and stores a user's sent and received files locally. This history will be maintained using a Room database, part of which is already partially implemented in the existing codebase. The History feature will help users keep track of all file transactions, providing a convenient and organized view of past actions.

Expected behavior

A fully functional History View, populated with a list of previously sent and received files, along with relevant metadata (e.g., file name, size, date, and type of action). The user can view the details of each transaction directly in the History view.

Current behavior

The History View is currently either unpopulated or only partially functional, and the tracking of file transfers is not complete.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch the app.
  2. Click on History in the Navigation Bar. This will lead to the partially implemented history view, which should be completed with functionality and data retrieval from the Room database.

Possible Solution

  1. Room Database Integration: Use the existing Room database setup to store entries for each sent and received file, including metadata like file name, transfer date, size, and action type (sent or received).

  2. UI for History View: Design a RecyclerView or a list-based UI to display each transaction in the History view. Clicking on an entry can show further details or options for actions (e.g., delete, retry transfer).

  3. Data Management: Ensure that every time a file is sent or received, an entry is created in the Room database. Implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing the history.

Why is this feature important to you?

This feature is important for users to keep track of their past file transactions, providing them with an organized history of actions performed within the app. It improves transparency and usability, as users can easily refer back to previous transfers without needing to manually log the information themselves. It also adds value to users by allowing them to manage their history (e.g., deleting old records) to declutter their app.

Additional context

Future improvements could include filtering options (e.g., only view sent or received files) or sorting based on the date, file size, or type. Additionally, there could be an option to clear the history or export the history log for external tracking purposes.