ContributorCovenant / beacon

A code of conduct reporting and management system created by Coraline Ada Ehmke, the author of the Contributor Covenant.
Apache License 2.0
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Change the way the env var for false is interpreted #238

Closed CoralineAda closed 5 years ago

CoralineAda commented 5 years ago

We welcome all contributions involving code, documentation, or design. If you'd like to contribute, please read our guide to contributing and follow the guidance in that document to improve the chances of your PR being merged.

All contributions, including pull requests, issues, and comments, are governed by our code of conduct.


The proxy blocking code was expecting a boolean value for the corresponding environment variable, but it's a string.


Fix it!


Any follow-up tasks that need to happen before or after the PR is merged.

Notes for Reviewers

Anything that you want to tell the people who are going to review your pull request.
