ControlSystemStudio / phoebus

A framework and set of tools to monitor and operate large scale control systems, such as the ones in the accelerator community.
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Write to NTTables #1214

Open jjaraalm opened 4 years ago

jjaraalm commented 4 years ago

Currently, the table widget does not appear to write to NTTable PVs. Since NTTable is well defined, it would be nice if there was (limited) support for writing to NTTable PVs.

Potential Issues

Suggested Options

ttkorhonen commented 2 years ago

Has anybody taken a look at this issue? It is still unassigned. The write functionality would be a really highly appreciated feature to have. I am not sure if all tables are arrays of strings though, at least this is not how we (ESS) foresee the tables to be used.

shroffk commented 2 years ago

We discussed this in today's meetings.. we have 2 AI associated with this request

ttkorhonen commented 2 years ago

All right, that sounds promising, thanks!

kasemir commented 2 years ago

Each table use case seems to basically describe its own little application, requiring specialized behavior. You can already handle that via a script behind the table where you put that application code. Alternatively, you are adding an open-ended list of properties and options to the table widget to describe all the possible scenarios, which I don't think is practical.

At best you could add "limited" write support, as you suggest, only for string cells. But when to write? As a control system GUI, we generally require some sort of confirmation. In a text field, you need to type 'ENTER' to write. Leaving focus/blur/click outside/press Escape/... all restore the original value. I don't think it's a good idea to change this for the table, where you would suddenly write many values without confirmation.

ttkorhonen commented 2 years ago

Well, I can do pvput's to NTTables so I do not immediately see why that would not be doable from a table widget? I do not fancy a lot having users to write scripts each time they want to use a table widget. OTOH, I fully agree with requiring "ENTER" or similar to write. Write on, please not. Editing a table and then somebody taps your shoulder...

shroffk commented 2 years ago

So I think the agreement was to aim for a "limited" write support... something that covers basic cases and avoids the use of scripts. This could surely limit the type of write supported to only string cells...

I agree with maintaining the "confirmation" behavior... we can do a write each cell when Enter is pressed.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

we can do a write each cell when Enter is pressed

That's good because it matches the text entry field behavior. Also means the table widget doesn't need to buffer the 'current' value of all cells, somehow highlight what changed and would be written in case we did write. All that's limited to just one cell.

But I don't think you can write just one cell, so each cell change would write the complete table. And you have to handle the case where the table keeps changing while you edit. Lock changes to the complete table until the edited cell is either submitted or restored? Lock changes just to the edited cell until that cell is submitted or restored?

shroffk commented 2 years ago

Also means the table widget doesn't need to buffer the 'current' value of all cells, somehow highlight what changed and would be written in case we did write. All that's limited to just one cell.

exactly.. going for simple and predictable behaviour here

But I don't think you can write just one cell, so each cell change would write the complete table.

We brought this up for discussion, it turns out that all the use cases from ESS and DLS would be fine with writing the complete table when updating a single cell.

And you have to handle the case where the table keeps changing while you edit. Lock changes to the complete table until the edited cell is either submitted or restored? Lock changes just to the edited cell until that cell is submitted or restored?

We can bring up this issue... I would prefer to lock the entire table, this has been the behaviour in the old cs-studio table widget and is the behaviour of the pvTable applications. Thus locking the entire table would maintain a consistent behaviour.. Also from what I understand the tables which need write support usually consists of configuration (DLS) or setpoint or similar signals which are not actively changing.

ttkorhonen commented 2 years ago

In fact, I would even expect and insist on writing the full table. But after updating each individual cell...? That could be a problem. If you are for instance updating a (breakpoint) conversion table (just imagining here), you want to have the full table completed before committing it. There may be other solutions to handle this however.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

for instance updating a (breakpoint) conversion table

Right, in that case you probably want to submit a consistent set of values, and assert that the values are increasing along one axis, which can be handled by a simple "values_in_column_1_increase_monotonically" option on the table widget. That's exactly it, each use case has its own set of concerns. You can implement each use case as a standalone PyQt application, or put the logic into a script behind the table. But I'm afraid that adding all the application logic elements to the table widget will soon get tiresome.

ttkorhonen commented 2 years ago

That was a bit of an imagined example. I would not encourge editing breakpoint tables in a table widget anyway, this would be too risky for a number of reasons. But I still would not back up from the original argument of covering the generic use case a la pvput. No custom logic required.

jjaraalm commented 2 years ago

Yes, there are application specific issues, but I don't think it's hopeless.

For the breakpoint example, it would make more sense for the IOC to validate the table input and reject invalid tables. I think what @ttkorhonen is asking for is just a single option for write on blur (for the table) vs focusout (for the cell) as suggested in the original issue. This should be a simple boolean option for the widget.

ttkorhonen commented 2 years ago

I must add that I have no idea about how the table widget is implemented. If I write a script, would that script be executed after each cell update?

kasemir commented 2 years ago

The script is for example attached to a "Submit" button. Script then reads from the table and maybe other elements on the display, combines the data into whatever it needs, and sends that to a web servlet or one or more PVs or a file or ... depending on the application.

ttkorhonen commented 2 years ago

Right. Then instead of the script, we could have a piece of Java code that reads the elements from the table and does a pvput. This is more or less all I would ask for. If I need custom logic, I would write a script or do something else.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

My main concern is an explosion of widget properties and logic. If the table widget has a PV, and it's of type VTable, you can disable the column creation and header renaming, since that information comes from the PV. If the PV is writable, and only contains strings, you can enable editing, with simple write-table-on-ENTER-in-cell behavior. Seems simple enough, so please go ahead and implement it.

jjaraalm commented 2 years ago

That makes sense.

I would love to help, but unfortunately the project I originally needed this for has been put on indefinite hold and I don't really have the bandwidth to take this on currently.

thomascobb commented 2 years ago

After talking to @aawdls I believe the DLS requirement is one that originates from me, so I'll put it here for completeness.

A PandABox is a configurable FPGA based trigger box. One of its functions is a sequencer table, which takes rows of trigger enum, number of repeats, phased times and output selections. It is currently controlled via a web GUI that looks like this:


In the web GUI we don't send the value of the table down to the server until the submit button is pressed, and there is a discard button to revert to the server's copy.

However, sites have requested an EPICS IOC that lets you set every single parameter of a PandA. I've packaged every column of the table in a waveform record, and tied them together into an NTTable in the IOC with QSRV. This is not quite working, but is almost there.

I hoped to be able to attach a phoebus table widget to this NTTable, but haven't tried it out yet, so this ticket is very relevant. A slight issue is that the columns have different datatypes, uint8, uint32, and enum. The first two are expressible in an NTTable, the last is not. I'm going to talk about this in the EPICS core meeting Wednesday next week to work out how this could be expressed in an NTTable, but I see that the phoebus widget already the ability to add choices to a column so maybe this will not be an issue?

thomascobb commented 2 years ago

I'm not at all familiar with Phoebus, but I've had a go at mocking up a table that switches between Displaying and Editing: Screenshot from 2021-11-09 17-00-27 In Displaying mode the widget displays updates from the PV. When you click Edit the widget stops updating and becomes editable: Screenshot from 2021-11-09 17-04-35 If you click Submit then it writes to the PV and goes back to Displaying. If you click Discard then it just goes back to Displaying. The script to do this:

from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil, ScriptUtil

mode = PVUtil.getLong(pvs[0])
table = PVUtil.getTable(pvs[1])

if mode == 0:  # Displaying
    widget.setPropertyValue("editable", False)
elif mode == 1:  # Editing
    widget.setPropertyValue("editable", True)
elif mode == 2:  # Submit

is in the repo along with the QSRV ioc that serves the NTTable:

I can't make a couple of things work:

thomascobb commented 2 years ago

I've worked around the last point by converting from number to string in the embedded script. Obviously type conversion in an embedded Jython script is not a long term solution, but it is sufficient to demonstrate the principle.

I've also made a proposal for getting display_t information for each column into NTTable so it doesn't have to be configured in the widget:

jjaraalm commented 2 years ago

@thomascobb Your use case is almost identical to mine. I was able to write to NTTables by doing the following:

from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import ScriptUtil
from import PVAStructure, PVAStringArray

table = ScriptUtil.findWidgetByName(widget, "table")
data = table.getValue()

# Modify data ...

pv = ScriptUtil.getPrimaryPV(table)
ncol = len(data[0])
ntrows = [PVAStringArray("column"+str(i), [row[i] for row in data]) for i in range(ncol)]
pv.write(PVAStructure("", "", ntrows))

You can modify the individual column types (e.g., PVAIntArray()) as needed. One downside with this method is that the timestamp is not updated, and I'm not sure how to easily do that without modifying phoebus.

thomascobb commented 2 years ago

@jjaraalm thanks, that looks like just what I need!

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

So based on push from users I started to look into "native" support for writing NTTable from Phoebus. I've come far enough to construct a Java object that - based on my understanding at least - should be good enough. The write operation seems to succeed as the IOC shell echos a message, and a pvmonitor on the PV in question also echoes.

Problem is the actual values in the table are unchanged, kind of a deal breaker here.

To summarize, I have table with two integer array columns. In PVAStructure#setValue() I simply construct two PVAIntArray objects and set the value of the class' field elements (same types) to these new values. Attached screen show shows what it looks like after PVAStructure#setValue().

@kasemir , @shroffk , obviously I'm missing something...

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 14 39 18

kasemir commented 1 year ago

The above examples all use a string table, while you have integer columns. Maybe try string columns.

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

Not sure I understand why strings should work. After all, we know what underlying types we're dealing with.

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

To clarify, I'm not (yet) implementing write from Table widget. My use case is save&restore.

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

Digging deeper into my failed attempts to actually write data I have identified the reason: the BitSet portion of the put request. Tests performed on the following PV running on a 7.0.7 server:

        structure record
            structure _options
                uint queueSize
                boolean atomic
        alarm_t alarm
            int severity
            int status
            string message
        structure timeStamp
            long secondsPastEpoch
            int nanoseconds
            int userTag
        string[] labels
        structure value
            int[] A
            int[] B

So when trying to update values in arrays A and B the client currently sets only bit 14 (structure value), but I have verified that it must also set bit 15 and 16. Or even set only bit 15 and 16. Or should the client send two put requests, one for each element?

In PutRequest the field in question is thus correctly identified (as bit 14) but the elements of the structure are not identified and added to the BitSet object.

Maybe I'm not using the API correctly...?

@kasemir, can you please comment?

kasemir commented 1 year ago

The bitfield usage might be the reason. What we've tried so far is reading and sometimes writing the types presented by IOCs, where we don't get any table data. Brings up the question how to duplicate this.

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

Well, with code adding the "missing" indices I am able to replicate the CLI pvput functionality.

kasemir commented 1 year ago

Did you update the existing code so that when it flags the "structure" as changed, it will recurse inside the structure and flag all elements as changed? Or do you just manually flag "A" and "B" to test this specific case?

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

Don't worry, won't push my hack. If it is a structure then I add the bits for all it's elements (Requires access to the PVAStructure#elements field).

kasemir commented 1 year ago

If it is a structure then I add the bits for all it's elements

If a structure is flagged as changed, does that mean a) The whole structure has changed. That's why the structure is flagged! b) Nothing?! Each element that changed needs to be individually flagged?

I don't think the exact behavior is defined anywhere, but you clearly see the latter case. What type of server is that? Custom pvAccess C++ code? pvapy using pvAccess? Custom PVXS C++ code? p4p using PVXS?

Since we have at least one server that requires each element to be flagged, we can use that as the defining case since it should still "work" for those servers that go by just the overall structure flag, so we won't break anything.

If it is a structure then I add the bits for all it's elements

Feel free to turn that into a PR

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

a) The whole structure has changed

If the structure has two arrays and only one of them changes, is the "whole" structure changed?

b) Each element that changed needs to be individually flagged?

That is what I conclude and that is what pvput does.

What type of server is that?

Vanilla Epics 7.0.7 built on Mac. With pvAccess module.

kasemir commented 1 year ago

How do you create the table? 'group' settings on records? Can you post that?

georgweiss commented 1 year ago


georgweiss commented 1 year ago

I found a thing a bit concerning on page 12 in

BitSet does not apply to array elements

But maybe that spec is outdated...

kasemir commented 1 year ago

That refers to array elements. We always flag the whole array as changed, and send the complete array. There is nothing in the protocol to say: For array X, replace element 5 with 47, then set elements 10 to 20 to 0. No support for slices within an array.

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

I see. Apparently "array elements" can be interpreted in multiple ways...

kasemir commented 1 year ago

Yes, it's meant as "BitSet does not apply to individual array elements. One bit in bitset addresses the complete array".

kasemir commented 1 year ago

That group-based table example is good. Include that in a PR which recursively flags the elements of a structure.

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

Kudos to @ttkorhonen for providing me with the table example.

kasemir commented 1 year ago

group-based table example is good.

Well, good as in providing an easy to use example. I think it shows that the current Q:group syntax is somewhat complicated and I'd be very surprised if that remains THE way to define PVA structures in the IOC.

ttkorhonen commented 1 year ago

I got mentioned :-) In fact, I got the example from Michael's early demo IOCs, but at some of development stage the original got outdated. I then fixed it so that it works with the current implementation. I also changed it slightly to be easier to relate to...

Michael has improved the group PV documentation in the meantime: Earlier, it was a challenge to figure out the syntax, I sometimes had even to read the source code to understand what is happening.

And yes, the definition syntax is somewhat complicated but also powerful. However, if you ask me, it is on the easier side of things to learn related to PVA. But sure, one could probably make it easier. I just do not have any good ideas how.

georgweiss commented 1 year ago

@kasemir, one more question before I proceed.

By default PutRequest will update the value field of a structure. Should update of the labels string array also be supported such that both value and labels are updated in the same put request?

kasemir commented 1 year ago

I'd leave the labels alone. With IOC records that support enumerated values (bo, mbbo) you receive the value with labels. You can write the value, but I don't think you can write the labels.

So change the labels you'd need a separate channel to for example "record.ZNAM" of a bi/bo record or a "record.ZRST" of an mbbi/o, which gives a string value and when you write that value, you change the first enumeration label. But you can't directly write the labels associated with a value update, just like you can't write the time stamp or alarm info.