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Issues with memory #225

Open Darkneew opened 2 years ago

Darkneew commented 2 years ago

There seem to be issues with the memory system on the website:

First of all, even by defining a lot of variables, I'v always had my memory size at 0. screen1

Also, before my first set-memory, *memory* would always return 0. I knew it was false thanks to the account function. Moreover, it seems that the set-memory function calculates the difference in memory from *memory* instead of account allowance, as I've concluded from my first set-memory which made me pay for selling memory: screen2 However, I couldn't reproduce this issue after that as my *memory* synchronized with my account allowance.

It also seems like the set-memory function sometimes forget to change the amount by 1, as shown by these two exemples: Capture d’écran 2022-08-02 110253 Capture d’écran 2022-08-02 110338

However, I cannot see the logic behind the appearance of this issue It is not linked to the amount set as seen here: Capture d’écran 2022-08-02 111627 Capture d’écran 2022-08-02 111650 Nor it is linked to the amount changed: Capture d’écran 2022-08-02 112155 Capture d’écran 2022-08-02 112012 We can see in the two screenshots above a small change not working, a big change working and a bigger change not working.

Furthermore, this also cause issues while transferring memory, with memory simply diseappearing into nothingness: Capture d’écran 2022-08-02 113557 Side note: transferring convex coins, on the other hand, works perfectly fine