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whitepaper typos (1/14) #26

Open wildyelir opened 8 months ago

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 8 (Pagr. 2 of Consensus Algorithm)


In contract to blockchains however, the blocks are not linked to previous blocks - there is no “chain” as such.


In contrast to blockchains however, the blocks are not linked to previous blocks - there is no “chain” as such.

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 17 (Last Pagr. of Block proposal)


A Peer proposed a Block for consensus simply by appending it to its current Ordering, where this Ordering includes all Blocks up to the Consensus Point, plus any additional Blocks still to be confirmed in consensus.


A Peer proposes a Block for consensus simply by appending it to its current Ordering, where this Ordering includes all Blocks up to the Consensus Point, plus any additional Blocks still to be confirmed in consensus.

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 17 (First Pagr. of Convergent Consensus)


Convex uses a variant of Convergent Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) ensure that the Network converges to Consensus.


Convex uses a variant of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) ensure that the Network converges to Consensus.

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 18 (2nd Pagr. of Stake-weighted voting) - missing comma causes confusion around 'conflict between Orderings..'


At each Belief Merge step, if there is a conflict between Orderings the Peer computes the total share of stake voting for each proposed Block in the next position after the current Consensus Point. It is able to do this because it has a view of the Orderings proposed by all other Peers.


At each Belief Merge step, if there is a conflict between Orderings, the Peer computes the total share of stake voting for each proposed Block in the next position after the current Consensus Point. It is able to do this because it has a view of the Orderings proposed by all other Peers.

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 21 (2nd Parg. of Illustrations)


We can visualise this initial situation as a Matrix, where each row is the Belief help by one peer, and each column represents the latest signed Ordering observed by each peer from another peer. Each Peer also has knowledge of the current Consensus defined by o, which is also its Proposed Consensus.


We can visualise this initial situation as a Matrix, where each row is the Belief held by one peer, and each column represents the latest signed Ordering observed by each peer from another peer. Each Peer also has knowledge of the current Consensus defined by o, which is also its Proposed Consensus.

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 34 (2nd Parg. of Time) - Add 'is' or ','


The juice price a dynamically varying price that adjusts with amount of execution performed per unit time by the Convex network as a whole:


The juice price is a dynamically varying price that adjusts with amount of execution performed per unit time by the Convex network as a whole:

*The sentence as a whole is a bit confusing. Do you mean Unit? Price of juice would vary on market conditions not computation needed. Please clarify the dynamic of juice price and time. Amount of computation a network is facing can play a role in current price, but not the only determining factor.

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 36 (Transparent persistence) also check last sentence on pg 38

Is this supposed to be JVM or EVM ? JVM is correct and updated to spell it out in first use Screenshot 2024-01-14 220108

wildyelir commented 8 months ago

Pg 48 (2nd sentence of Actor considerations)


However, in most cases Actors have no need for a Memory Allowance because and memory consumption will be accounted for against a User account that was the Origin of a transaction.


However, in most cases Actors have no need for a Memory Allowance because memory consumption will be accounted for against a User account that was the Origin of a transaction.

mikera commented 7 months ago

Thanks @wildyelir I will run through and check these.

For the future, feel free to send a PR for small edits!

wildyelir commented 7 months ago

Will do.