CoolProp / CoolProp

Thermophysical properties for the masses
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Problem to recalculate the HApropsi #2029

Open sdaix opened 3 years ago

sdaix commented 3 years ago


I want to recalculate the function of HApropsi with propsi for several pression or temperature and my mixing law. I have any problem with oxygen, nitrogen and other but I don't find function for the water vapor with the right pression and temperature. For the water vapor, I use this function but I don't have the right pressure: PropsSI('CONDUCTIVITY','T',range_temp[k],'Q',1,'IF97::Water')

Perhaps, I do something bad. Can you help me ? I use coolprop 6.4.1 with python

Thank you for your help Steven

henningjp commented 3 years ago

The function you used above works for me. Output variable can also be 'L' instead of 'CONDUCTIVITY'.

What temperature are you using ( what is range_temp[k] )? Are you getting an error message? Can you post it please?

To get the saturation pressure at the temperature specified, use: PropsSI('P','T',range_temp[k],'Q',1,'IF97::Water')