CoopHive / coophive-v1-deprecated

Decentralized Generic Marketplace Protocol
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Improve logging #31

Closed lukemarsden closed 2 months ago

lukemarsden commented 4 months ago

From Levi: add robust logging to the entire codebase.

There are a bunch of log levels to choose from, and I'll leave that up to discussion. Primarily though, there should be two main modes: what is happening (basically INFO), and then if something went wrong, what went wrong (basically DEBUG).

For an example of "what is happening", clone, run, and look at the local_logs that are generated. It should be roughly that clean. Timestamps are important here as well. These logs should be neatly formatted for machine readability, e.g. something that we can easily put into an ETL pipeline for data analysis.

For the "what went wrong scenario", the logs should look more like they currently do, but again, neatly formatted, so that we can easily figure out what went wrong.

polus-arcticus commented 3 months ago


hey @gpylypchuk @mlegls i was checking out the inspect command and noticed we have private keys in plain text being sent to the logs, let's definitely try to change this in the new logging paradigm

mactus13 commented 2 months ago

Can be closed until we remove Solver and Mediator.