CooperRS / RMActionController

This is an iOS control for presenting any UIView in an UIAlertController like manner
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iPhone: black backgroundcolor on portrait orientation #23

Closed checkolala closed 7 years ago

checkolala commented 7 years ago


thank you for this great classes. I want to use RMActionController for an universal app and hope, you could help me with an issue with the background color of the presenting view controller. On iPhone devices the background color will change to black on portrait orientation. On landscape, the color is correct. On iPad it works well in both orientations.

kind regards

CooperRS commented 7 years ago

Hi there!

Which background color do you mean? Do you mean the background color of RMActionController? Can you send me a screencast of the problem? I'm not sure if I good it right :/.

Best regards, Roland

checkolala commented 7 years ago

Hello Roland,

thank you very much. Please see attached screencasts

CooperRS commented 7 years ago


How do you present the RMActionController? From code or from XIB? And do you set the modalPresentationStyle somewhere?

This usually happens, when the modalPresentationStyle is not set to .Custom or .OverCurrentContext or something similar (see here for where RMActionControllersets its values).

Best regards, Roland