Coorsaa / shinyMlr

shiny-mlr: Integration of the mlr package into shiny
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Package resides now in ./package #121

Closed jakob-r closed 7 years ago

jakob-r commented 7 years ago

All necessary shiny app files are linked from inst/application

jakob-r commented 7 years ago

after PR it should be possible to install it via devtools::install_github("mlr-org/shiny", subdir = "package")

florianfendt commented 7 years ago

@jakob-r Thx heaps again for the contribution. If you have the time implement these 2/3 small changes I reviewed and merge your PR. No worries if not then we'll do this. Cheers

florianfendt commented 7 years ago

@jakob-r Damn you're fast :) Feel free to merge. Don't delete the branch package though please and leave as is, since the UseR application contained the old workflow of the package and I want that to work when they evaluate our application. I'll open an issue for that so we don't forget deleting the branch when our application got approved.

jakob-r commented 7 years ago

It's mainly your repository - I would never dare to delete anything. That's your business.