Copay / caraoke-plasmoid

kde widget for representation of karaoke styled lyrics.
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Filter by player name before sending requests #4

Open oldherl opened 3 days ago

oldherl commented 3 days ago

For example, I use only exaile or amarok to play music, so I would like to send only requests from those players. Other players are for playing videos, (movie etc) and sending those requests would be useless.

Sinofine commented 3 days ago

it can be done by filtering mpris2Model.currentPlayer?.identity.

I may do that in recent days.

Sinofine commented 3 days ago

Maybe we'd better provide a text field in configuration for a RegExp string to test the identity? like this: exaile|amarok|g4music

oldherl commented 3 days ago

Yes, it should be configurable by the user. I don't mind what UI widget to be used, a simple text field containing a comma-separated-list or RegExp are both acceptable. Or a list-like widget.