CoppeliaRobotics / simROS

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Undeclared functions: setExtVersion() and setBuildDate() #6

Closed ritalaezza closed 4 years ago

ritalaezza commented 4 years ago

When calling catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release there are two functions in the sim_ros_interface.cpp which are not declared and lead to a failed build. These are setExtVersion() and setBuildDate().

I am using the melodic branch.

fferri commented 4 years ago

This plugin depends also on the following repositories (which are usually located in the programming folder of CoppeliaSim):

Make sure to have the latest version of each.

ritalaezza commented 4 years ago

I have installed CoppeliaSim EDU for Ubuntu 18.04, using the install packages provided at Am I supposed to overwrite the content of the folders inside the programming folder with the updated repositories? Won't that break other things?

fferri commented 4 years ago

Latest version of CoppeliaSim should already include the most recent code for each of these repositories.

But yes, in theory you can overwrite the content with the updated repositories. In practice, you will however need a recent version of CoppeliaSim to use the latest code in those repositories.