CoppeliaRobotics / simSkel

Example of modern-style CoppeliaSim plugin
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Could not find a package configuration file provided by "CoppeliaSim" (requested version with any of the following names #1

Closed zhangm365 closed 2 years ago

zhangm365 commented 2 years ago

I am trying to compiling the libPlugin, but the error is as follow: image

Can you give me a hand?

fferri commented 2 years ago

You need to set COPPELIASIM_ROOT_DIR environment variable to point to the CoppeliaSim directory that contains the programming folder.

zhangm365 commented 2 years ago


As above set, the error is same.

fferri commented 2 years ago

If you read my comment more carefully you'll find out it's another variable I told you to set. Note the fact it's an environment variable, not a CMake variable. And the correct value would be C:/Program Files/CoppeliaRobotics/CoppeliaSimEdu. Also, remember to clear the CMake cache between one run and another.

Probably the most convenient thing to do is set it globally as explained here:

zhangm365 commented 2 years ago

OK, Thanks a lot.

Now, the Boost is installed and set the environment variable, but the error is as follow:


fferri commented 2 years ago

Boost missing?

zhangm365 commented 2 years ago

The Boost is installed, but the error occurs.

fferri commented 2 years ago

Clearly Boost cannot be found. Depending on how you installed Boost you need to set some CMake variables.


zhangm365 commented 2 years ago

ok, I solved the error. Thanks a lot.

zhangm365 commented 2 years ago

Besides, what is the difference between this repos and the simExtPluginSkeleton?

Coppelia commented 2 years ago

simExtPluginSkeleton is a plugin skeleton that is using an older way to interface with CoppeliaSim. It is less flexible, but can be a bit easier to understand and use for plugins with little API functions

Coppelia commented 2 years ago

Please ask in the CoppeliaSim forum

zhangm365 commented 2 years ago

ok, Thanks a lot