CopterExpress / clover

ROS-based framework and RPi image to control PX4-powered drones 🍀
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Advice for calling `/gazebo/reset_world` service without ruining calibration #499

Open simojo opened 4 months ago

simojo commented 4 months ago

In the Gazebo simulation environment, when the Clover crashes, I would like to simply call /gazebo/reset_world to reset the quadcopter's position. However, this seems to cause a great deal of confusion when px4_sitl tries arming again: arming is usually denied due to some kind of miscalibration after calling /gazebo/reset_world.

I have also tried the sequence of

  1. force-disarming the clover
  2. pausing the physics engine
  3. resetting its position
  4. resuming the physics engine
  5. arming the quadcopter,

but this does not work either.

Are there any suggestions as to how one can reset the Clover's position in gazebo programmatically without causing the simulated sensors to go wild?

I'm using clover_vm v1.4 to run my simulations.

okalachev commented 4 months ago

Hi, sorry for the long time to answer, didn't notice this issue.

As far as I know, the problem with position reset is the architecture of PX4's estimator, EKF2, which doesn't except such jumps to happen. So I just restart the whole simulation when I need to reset. I didn't try to fix that issue yet.

But you may try to restart EKF2 with the following PX4 commands: ekf2 stop, ekf2 start, maybe it would help? If it does help, I might think how to perform PX4 commands programmatically (MAVLink console is disabled in the simulation, but there may be some solutions to that).

okalachev commented 4 months ago

Is the issue resolved?

simojo commented 4 months ago

No, not yet.

okalachev commented 2 months ago

Have you tried what I advised?