This is a place holder thread for recurring errors, either due to NLP output or common human mistakes which then flow into NLP training data. The idea is to keep track of these errors, completely eradicate them in GitDox and verify that the pipeline can't produce them anymore.
How to contribute
List errors using a to-do like marker starting with - [ ]
Feel free to edit the checklist post below
Only list annotation layer + value combinations which you are certain are always in correct (not just in context!)
Make the conditions needed for identifying the situation clear (e.g. when norm is X, lemma cannot be Y)
Do not check a box as resolved without making sure that it is:
This is a place holder thread for recurring errors, either due to NLP output or common human mistakes which then flow into NLP training data. The idea is to keep track of these errors, completely eradicate them in GitDox and verify that the pipeline can't produce them anymore.
How to contribute
- [ ]