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Translation off by one verse for Job 16 from verse 4 #101

Open amir-zeldes opened 4 months ago

amir-zeldes commented 4 months ago

The Coptic versification is different and creates an off-by-one error, we should fix this and re-release the OT corpus when we have a chance.

amir-zeldes commented 4 months ago

Also broken: Joshua 9. Comment from L. Rafferty:

The translation given is for Joshua 9:2. The translation may be broken in this document because of verse numbering differences, e.g. in Brenton vv. 30-35 come between v. 2 and v. 3. Other editions number those verses 2a-2f, or renumber all of the verses sequentially 1-33. In Brenton this is Joshua 9:12: These are the loaves—we took them hot for our journey on the day on which we came out to come to you; and now they are dried and become mouldy.

ctschroeder commented 4 months ago

There is a notes file and mapping file in the OT directory of the bible-dev repo that should be consulted when processing the Coptic OT. If these errors are not already in the mapping file we should modify that file

amir-zeldes commented 4 months ago

Yeah, that's already implemented, but Job is not mentioned there (search for b18); these issues can indeed be added there.

amir-zeldes commented 4 months ago

Another one from L. Rafferty: Translation is off by one verse, "with the edge of the sword" corresponds to ϩⲛⲟⲩϩⲱⲧⲃⲛⲥⲏϥⲉ in the next verse in Deuteronomy 13.