CopticScriptorium / corpora

Public repository for Coptic SCRIPTORIUM Corpora Releases
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corpus metadata in CS Gitdox #17

Closed ctschroeder closed 6 years ago

ctschroeder commented 6 years ago

needed for Spring 2018 publication

ctschroeder commented 6 years ago

ctschroeder commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to import corpus data or should we manually add? I'm looking at pseudo-theophilus, and I don't see corpus metadata, yet. Wanted to check before manually adding. Thanks!!!

amir-zeldes commented 6 years ago

No, there isn't a batch import option at the moment... It would probably take as long to key these for existing corpora as it would to write an import script, so maybe it's best to just enter them as we re-publish each corpus (they need to be checked then anyway, and fields are not many for the corpus level)

ctschroeder commented 6 years ago

Gotcha. Thanks.

ctschroeder commented 6 years ago

How is this going? Thx.

ctschroeder commented 6 years ago

How is this going @eplatte ?

eplatte commented 6 years ago

Corpus metadata added to GitDox in Feb.