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Winter 2020-2021 corpora publication thread #67

Closed ctschroeder closed 3 years ago

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago
ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

@amir-zeldes can you please add Marcion corpora here? Thanks so much!!!

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

I don't have a closed list yet, but I can add some ones we already have in the pipeline

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much! Can you also mark everything from the last release as "published' in Gitdox @amir-zeldes?

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago


ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

@tsiuda should be done with the translation spans of her doc in the Life of John and also her doc in the Mysteries of John by mid March, so in time for the release. Will update the other files and threads today or this weekend.

tsiuda commented 3 years ago

Life of John translation spans completed today (5 March 2021); Mysteries is now in process.

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Life of John the monk metadata: author, PATHS link, Greek edition need investigating

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Pseudo ephrem corpus should be pseudo.ephrem. Document titles can remain psephrem.asketikon.01 etc. (Back when we published the letter of Pseudo Ephrem we decided to make a pseudo.ephrem corpus in which we would put all the pseudo ephrem material.)

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

Pseudo ephrem corpus should be pseudo.ephrem. Document titles can remain psephrem.asketikon.01 etc. (Back when we published the letter of Pseudo Ephrem we decided to make a pseudo.ephrem corpus in which we would put all the pseudo ephrem material.)

Wait, are you saying the asketikon documents should be merged into the earlier pseudo ephrem corpus? Or should they stay two separate corpora?

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Put them in the existing pseudo.ephrem corpus. We had a huge discussion about this back when we published the first pseudo.ephrem letter and decided to have a pseudo.ephrem corpus rather than a bunch of smaller ps-ephrem corpora with one or two documents each.

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

OK, corpus renamed for both documents - @lancealanmartin asketikon can now be edited normally

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

I am setting the version_n to 4.1.0 with version_date of 2021-03-31

@lancealanmartin can you fill in entities quality metadata? I'm not sure which ones are automatic vs. checked (if checking is very minimal outside named entities please use automatic)

lancealanmartin commented 3 years ago

I will fill them in soon.

lancealanmartin commented 3 years ago

The metadata for all Marcion docs except john.mysteries.02 is complete.

@ctschroeder can you check the cts_urn field when you get a chance?

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Brad’s home for a long weekend so I should get to this early next week.

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

I unchecked the items above I am still working on them. Thanks!

lancealanmartin commented 3 years ago

The Kyprianos metadata is almost finished. I have one question:

Ed mentioned that each of the Kyprianos papyri has both a manuscript number (KYP M71) and a text number (KYP T53). The doc names for one of the papyri use the manuscript number and the others use the text number. Should we streamline these so that the titles all refer to either the manuscript or the text?

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

Good point - I think if there's a chance that one MS can contain two texts, then it would make sense to use the text numbers, since each text would receive a different doc (cf. AP)

lancealanmartin commented 3 years ago

Great! I changed KYP M71 to KYP T53.

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

We need to talk for a minute about the magical papyri metadata. See this thread

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Johannes, Mysteries, and Life are all ready. The blocker on the AP is me. Christie has been done for a while. I'll get to the other Budge and the papyri and the AP next.

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

papyri ready

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Abbaton ready Asceticon ready except for Greek_ed

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

OK, everything is all set except:

Rest incl. revised NT and papyri is up in ANNIS and GH corpora dev, will only pull to master and CTS repo once the last points are resolved.

lancealanmartin commented 3 years ago

I added the Greek edition to Asketikon. It should be ready.

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

AP done in a sec but a question: are you redoing the parsing and entities? It doesn't look like these have entities, and I want to change a span in the translation/verse in one of them.

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

I can add entities, no worries

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

OK, all done - just waiting on the answer to the 1-column page of Johannes, then it's a wrap!

amir-zeldes commented 3 years ago

We're done! I'm not bundling a release tag on GH yet in case we need to do any last minute hotfixes, but ANNIS, GH master and CTS repo should all be up to date now. Let me know if you notice any issues and I can add the tag in a couple of days.

ctschroeder commented 3 years ago

Hurray! Congrats everyone! Especially Amir and Lance!