Corcules / KMlink

Streamdeck plugin to drive Keyboard Maestro
127 stars 4 forks source link

Button id always send row/column id but not the setted name #2

Closed nagaitsev closed 4 years ago

nagaitsev commented 4 years ago

Hello! Thank you for your plugin for stream deck! I want to use Keyboad Maestro link with different profiles, but when I set stream deck key in one profile I can't use the same key with different profile Button iD always the same regardless setted new name. Could you help with this? Is it my mistake or issue?

different profiles

same link

Corcules commented 4 years ago


I guess your are not in the right place. It seems you are talking about the official Keyboard Maestro plugin for StreamDeck, made by Stairways. But your issue should be resolve by using KMlink plugin instead, my plugin which is simpler but but more efficient with streamdeck profiles.