CordyJ / OpenTxl

TXL programming language compiler/interpreter
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Performance issue when there is an error ? #32

Closed mingodad closed 5 months ago

mingodad commented 5 months ago

While trying to parse sqlite3.c I'm noticing that when the grammar get lost while parsing txl seems to enter in a kind of heavy loop trying to maybe recover till it gives up.

With full sqlite3.c it takes 149MB and 159s to show an error message. With cut sqlite3s.c it takes 54MB and 0.75s to complete the parsing.

Example (after modify sqlite3.c to go keep going parsing):

/usr/bin/time txl -p -v -s 1000 sqlie3.c c2.txl
[c2.txl] : TXL0911W - (Warning) Stack limit less than recommended for TXL size (probable cause: shell stack limit)
[c2.txl] : TXL0913I - (Information) Recursion stack limit reduced from 51200000 to 7340032 to fit
OpenTxl v11.3.2 (1.4.24) (c) 2024 James R. Cordy and others
Bootstrapping TXL ... 
  ... used 401 trees and 251 kids.
Scanning the TXL program c2.txl
Parsing the TXL program
  ... used 10975 trees and 16420 kids.
Making the input language grammar tree
  ... used 1332 trees and 1563 kids.
Making the rule table
  ... used 2 trees and 0 kids.
Scanning the input file sqlite3.c
Parsing the input file
[sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0127E input file 'sqlite3.c' - Parse time limit (401000000 cycles) exceeded
[sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0192E line 45092 of sqlite3.c - Syntax error at or near:
    * ( * ) ( >>> void <<< * , const char * 
Command exited with non-zero status 1
159.03user 0.07system 2:39.10elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 149768maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+37122minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Now with a cut down of sqlite3.c till containing the first 45073 lines (a bit less than the error line reported above):

/usr/bin/time txl -p -v -s 1000 sqlie3s.c c2.txl
[c2.txl] : TXL0911W - (Warning) Stack limit less than recommended for TXL size (probable cause: shell stack limit)
[c2.txl] : TXL0913I - (Information) Recursion stack limit reduced from 51200000 to 7340032 to fit
OpenTxl v11.3.2 (1.4.24) (c) 2024 James R. Cordy and others
Bootstrapping TXL ... 
  ... used 401 trees and 251 kids.
Scanning the TXL program c2.txl
Parsing the TXL program
  ... used 10975 trees and 16420 kids.
Making the input language grammar tree
  ... used 1332 trees and 1563 kids.
Making the rule table
  ... used 2 trees and 0 kids.
Scanning the input file sqlite3s.c
Parsing the input file
  ... used 1467951 trees and 2597719 kids.
Applying the transformation rules
  ... used 7 trees and 4 kids.
Generating transformed output
#define SQLITE_CORE 1

static void unixDlError (sqlite3_vfs *NotUsed, int nBuf, char *zBufOut)
    const char *zErr;
    unixEnterMutex ();
    zErr = dlerror ();
    if (zErr) {
        sqlite3_snprintf (nBuf, zBufOut, "%s", zErr);
    unixLeaveMutex ();

0.75user 0.02system 0:00.78elapsed 98%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 54560maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+13265minor)pagefaults 0swaps

See attached the files used to test:

mingodad commented 5 months ago

Here is the profile of parsing (cut down) sqlite3s.c:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name    
 61.34      0.60     0.60        4   148.75   205.00  parser_real_parse
  8.25      0.68     0.08  8237500     0.00     0.00  parser_depthOfLastAccept
  6.19      0.74     0.06    53452     0.00     0.00  TL_TLS_TLSIND
  5.15      0.79     0.05 27193653     0.00     0.00  tree_setKidTree
  4.64      0.83     0.05   456949     0.00     0.00  scanner_scanToken
  4.12      0.87     0.04  9388504     0.00     0.00  tree_newKids
  2.06      0.89     0.02  2544524     0.00     0.00  tree_newTreeClone
  2.06      0.91     0.02        1    20.00    20.00  unparser_printLeavesTraversal
  1.55      0.93     0.02 16454632     0.00     0.00  tree_setTreeCount
  1.55      0.94     0.02                             parser_installAsId
  1.03      0.95     0.01 16454632     0.00     0.00  tree_setKidCount
  1.03      0.96     0.01  1522973     0.00     0.00  tree_makeOneKid
  0.52      0.97     0.01   129438     0.00     0.00  scanner_skipSeparators
  0.52      0.97     0.01        1     5.00     5.00  options

Here is the profile of parsing (full) sqlite3.c:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name    
 69.15    190.02   190.02 76141046     0.00     0.00  parser_depthOfLastAccept
 29.95    272.33    82.31      336     0.24     0.82  parser_real_parse
  0.17    272.80     0.47 85482864     0.00     0.00  tree_newKids
  0.17    273.27     0.47  3537875     0.00     0.00  scanner_scanToken
  0.13    273.62     0.35 274171134     0.00     0.00  tree_setKidTree
  0.08    273.84     0.22 142123713     0.00     0.00  tree_setKidCount
  0.05    273.98     0.15 142123713     0.00     0.00  tree_setTreeCount
  0.05    274.12     0.14 30448736     0.00     0.00  tree_newTree
  0.03    274.20     0.08 10157535     0.00     0.00  tree_newTreeInit
  0.03    274.27     0.07 11072607     0.00     0.00  tree_newKid
  0.03    274.34     0.07   198268     0.00     0.00  TL_TLS_TLSIND
  0.02    274.40     0.06 11072356     0.00     0.00  tree_makeOneKid
  0.02    274.45     0.05                             parser_installAsId
  0.01    274.49     0.04  3218220     0.00     0.00  parser_backup
mingodad commented 5 months ago

Would be nice to have txl printing the line numbers while parsing when we specify -v -p, something like every x lines (user define number of lines would be nice too):

Now parsing line 1000 accumulated time 0.2s
Now parsing line 2000 accumulated time 0.3s
Now parsing line 3000 accumulated time 0.4s
Now parsing line 3000 accumulated time 0.5s
Now parsing line 3000 accumulated time 0.6s
Now parsing line 3000 accumulated time 1.6s  //showing that it got stuck around here ???
mingodad commented 5 months ago

After commenting out sqlite3.c in several places only to see txl parsing till the end or failing, I've got txl to parse till the end and failing with an error message in 9.6s that's a reasonable time using 360MB of memory using the same grammar attached before.

The point of this issue is to discover why txl is not failing fast to allow more iterations till fix the grammar or anything else blocking the intended use.

`` /usr/bin/time txl -p -v -s 1000 sqlie3.c c2.txl [c2.txl] : TXL0911W - (Warning) Stack limit less than recommended for TXL size (probable cause: shell stack limit) [c2.txl] : TXL0913I - (Information) Recursion stack limit reduced from 51200000 to 7340032 to fit OpenTxl v11.3.2 (1.4.24) (c) 2024 James R. Cordy and others Bootstrapping TXL ... ... used 401 trees and 251 kids. Scanning the TXL program c2.txl Parsing the TXL program ... used 10975 trees and 16420 kids. Making the input language grammar tree ... used 1332 trees and 1563 kids. Making the rule table ... used 2 trees and 0 kids. Scanning the input file sqlite3.c Parsing the input file [sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0127E input file 'sqlite3.c' - Parse time limit (401000000 cycles) exceeded [sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0191E at end of sqlite3.c - Syntax error at end of: { return SQLITE_SOURCE_ID ; } Command exited with non-zero status 1 9.60user 0.13system 0:09.73elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 360696maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+89829minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Attached `sqlite3.c` with several lines commented out and can be diffed with the previous one if desired:
mingodad commented 5 months ago

Somehow the attachment failed in thre previous message.

mingodad commented 5 months ago

Looking through the source code and now I can see that there is more debugging options that are not documented in .

And using -Dstack I can see that the parser seem to get stuck at the end:

/usr/bin/time txl -p -v -s 1000 -Dstack sqlie3.c c2.txl
[c2.txl] : TXL0911W - (Warning) Stack limit less than recommended for TXL size (probable cause: shell stack limit)
[c2.txl] : TXL0913I - (Information) Recursion stack limit reduced from 51200000 to 7340032 to fit
OpenTxl v11.3.2 (1.4.24) (c) 2024 James R. Cordy and others
Bootstrapping TXL ... 
  ... used 401 trees and 251 kids.
Scanning the TXL program c2.txl
Parsing the TXL program
  ... used 10975 trees and 16420 kids.
Making the input language grammar tree
  ... used 1332 trees and 1563 kids.
Making the rule table
  ... used 2 trees and 0 kids.
Scanning the input file sqlite3.c
Parsing the input file
[sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0127E input file 'sqlite3.c' - Parse time limit (401000000 cycles) exceeded
=== Parse Stack Dump ===
repeat_0_block_item 1064820 const
repeat_0_block_item 1064820 const ////<<<<< 1855 lines equal this one
repeat_0_block_item 1064820 const
opt__block_item_list 0
declaration_or_statement 709526 SQLITE_PRIVATE
repeat_0_block_item 709526 SQLITE_PRIVATE
repeat_0_block_item 707685 SQLITE_PRIVATE
repeat_0_block_item 707647 static
repeat_0_block_item 707599 static
repeat_0_function_definition_or_declaration 1 #define SQLITE_CORE 1
*undefined 1 #define SQLITE_CORE 1
=== ===
[sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0191E at end of sqlite3.c - Syntax error at end of:
    { return SQLITE_SOURCE_ID ; } 
Command exited with non-zero status 1
9.69user 0.18system 0:09.87elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 360828maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+89832minor)pagefaults 0swaps
mingodad commented 5 months ago

Adding line number to the stack trace to help identify the problem:

@@ -406,7 +411,7 @@ body module parser
         for decreasing i : parseDepth .. 0
             put : 0, string@(ident.idents (parseStack (i))), " ", parseTokenIndex (i) ..
             if parseTokenIndex (i) not= 0 then
-                put : 0, " ", string@(ident.idents (inputTokens (parseTokenIndex (i)).token)) ..
+                put : 0, ":", intstr (inputTokens (parseTokenIndex (i)).linenum mod maxLines, 1), " ", string@(ident.idents (inputTokens (parseTokenIndex (i)).token)) ..
             end if
             put :0, ""
         end for

Then the output now is like this:

/usr/bin/time txl -p -v -s 1000 -Dstack sqlie3.c c2.txl
[c2.txl] : TXL0911W - (Warning) Stack limit less than recommended for TXL size (probable cause: shell stack limit)
[c2.txl] : TXL0913I - (Information) Recursion stack limit reduced from 51200000 to 7340032 to fit
OpenTxl v11.3.2 (1.4.24) (c) 2024 James R. Cordy and others
Bootstrapping TXL ... 
  ... used 401 trees and 251 kids.
Scanning the TXL program c2.txl
Parsing the TXL program
  ... used 10975 trees and 16420 kids.
Making the input language grammar tree
  ... used 1332 trees and 1563 kids.
Making the rule table
  ... used 2 trees and 0 kids.
Scanning the input file sqlite3.c
Parsing the input file
[sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0127E input file 'sqlite3.c' - Parse time limit (401000000 cycles) exceeded
=== Parse Stack Dump ===
repeat_0_block_item 1064820:257072 const
repeat_0_block_item 1064820:257072 const ////<<<<< 1855 lines equal this one
repeat_0_block_item 1064820:257072 const
opt__block_item_list 0
declaration_or_statement 709526:178574 SQLITE_PRIVATE
repeat_0_block_item 709526:178574 SQLITE_PRIVATE
repeat_0_block_item 707685:178248 SQLITE_PRIVATE
repeat_0_function_definition_or_declaration 1:25 #define SQLITE_CORE 1
*undefined 1:25 #define SQLITE_CORE 1
=== ===
[sqlite3.c, c2.txl] : TXL0191E at end of sqlite3.c - Syntax error at end of:
    { return SQLITE_SOURCE_ID ; } 
Command exited with non-zero status 1
9.97user 0.19system 0:10.16elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 360784maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+89831minor)pagefaults 0swaps
mingodad commented 5 months ago

And this is the piece of code that make txl with c2.grm going crazy:

** Run the parser on the given SQL string.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunParser(Parse *pParse, const char *zSql){
  int nErr = 0;                   /* Number of errors encountered */
  void *pEngine;                  /* The LEMON-generated LALR(1) parser */
  int n = 0;                      /* Length of the next token token */
  int tokenType;                  /* type of the next token */
  int lastTokenParsed = -1;       /* type of the previous token */
  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;       /* The database connection */
  int mxSqlLen;                   /* Max length of an SQL string */
  Parse *pParentParse = 0;        /* Outer parse context, if any */
#ifdef sqlite3Parser_ENGINEALWAYSONSTACK
  yyParser sEngine;    /* Space to hold the Lemon-generated Parser object */
  VVA_ONLY( u8 startedWithOom = db->mallocFailed );

  assert( zSql!=0 );
  mxSqlLen = db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH];
  if( db->nVdbeActive==0 ){
    AtomicStore(&db->u1.isInterrupted, 0);
  pParse->rc = SQLITE_OK;
  pParse->zTail = zSql;
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_ParserTrace ){
    printf("parser: [[[%s]]]\n", zSql);
    sqlite3ParserTrace(stdout, "parser: ");
    sqlite3ParserTrace(0, 0);
#ifdef sqlite3Parser_ENGINEALWAYSONSTACK
  pEngine = &sEngine;
  sqlite3ParserInit(pEngine, pParse);
  pEngine = sqlite3ParserAlloc(sqlite3Malloc, pParse);
  if( pEngine==0 ){
  assert( pParse->pNewTable==0 );
  assert( pParse->pNewTrigger==0 );
  assert( pParse->nVar==0 );
  assert( pParse->pVList==0 );
  pParentParse = db->pParse;
  db->pParse = pParse;
  while( 1 ){
    n = sqlite3GetToken((u8*)zSql, &tokenType);
    mxSqlLen -= n;
    if( mxSqlLen<0 ){
      pParse->rc = SQLITE_TOOBIG;
    if( tokenType>=TK_WINDOW ){
      assert( tokenType==TK_SPACE || tokenType==TK_OVER || tokenType==TK_FILTER
           || tokenType==TK_ILLEGAL || tokenType==TK_WINDOW
           || tokenType==TK_QNUMBER
    if( tokenType>=TK_SPACE ){
      assert( tokenType==TK_SPACE || tokenType==TK_ILLEGAL
           || tokenType==TK_QNUMBER
      if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ){
        pParse->rc = SQLITE_INTERRUPT;
      if( tokenType==TK_SPACE ){
        zSql += n;
      if( zSql[0]==0 ){
        /* Upon reaching the end of input, call the parser two more times
        ** with tokens TK_SEMI and 0, in that order. */
        if( lastTokenParsed==TK_SEMI ){
          tokenType = 0;
        }else if( lastTokenParsed==0 ){
          tokenType = TK_SEMI;
        n = 0;
      }else if( tokenType==TK_WINDOW ){
        assert( n==6 );
        tokenType = analyzeWindowKeyword((const u8*)&zSql[6]);
      }else if( tokenType==TK_OVER ){
        assert( n==4 );
        tokenType = analyzeOverKeyword((const u8*)&zSql[4], lastTokenParsed);
      }else if( tokenType==TK_FILTER ){
        assert( n==6 );
        tokenType = analyzeFilterKeyword((const u8*)&zSql[6], lastTokenParsed);
      }else if( tokenType!=TK_QNUMBER ){
        Token x;
        x.z = zSql;
        x.n = n;
        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unrecognized token: \"%T\"", &x);
    pParse->sLastToken.z = zSql;
    pParse->sLastToken.n = n;
    sqlite3Parser(pEngine, tokenType, pParse->sLastToken);
    lastTokenParsed = tokenType;
    zSql += n;
    assert( db->mallocFailed==0 || pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK || startedWithOom );
    if( pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
  assert( nErr==0 );
#endif /* YYDEBUG */
#ifdef sqlite3Parser_ENGINEALWAYSONSTACK
  sqlite3ParserFree(pEngine, sqlite3_free);
  if( db->mallocFailed ){
    pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
  if( pParse->zErrMsg || (pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK && pParse->rc!=SQLITE_DONE) ){
    if( pParse->zErrMsg==0 ){
      pParse->zErrMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s", sqlite3ErrStr(pParse->rc));
    sqlite3_log(pParse->rc, "%s in \"%s\"", pParse->zErrMsg, pParse->zTail);
  pParse->zTail = zSql;

  if( pParse->pNewTable && !IN_SPECIAL_PARSE ){
    /* If the pParse->declareVtab flag is set, do not delete any table
    ** structure built up in pParse->pNewTable. The calling code (see vtab.c)
    ** will take responsibility for freeing the Table structure.
    sqlite3DeleteTable(db, pParse->pNewTable);
  if( pParse->pNewTrigger && !IN_RENAME_OBJECT ){
    sqlite3DeleteTrigger(db, pParse->pNewTrigger);
  if( pParse->pVList ) sqlite3DbNNFreeNN(db, pParse->pVList);
  db->pParse = pParentParse;
  assert( nErr==0 || pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK );
  return nErr;
CordyJ commented 5 months ago

Hi, in order to allow the simplest and easiest to understand grammars that simple reflect the language's reference grammar, so that transformation patterns are simple and intuitive to read and write, TXL purposely uses a context-free full-backtracking top-down recursive descent parser. (A bison-style "compiler" grammar would be simply unusable for example-based pattern transformation tasks.)

Since full backtracking is unbounded and exponential in the worst case, depending on how ambiguous the language's grammar is, syntax errors can and do get detected by resource exhaustion. It's better than simply freezing in full CPU for days or weeks. (As AI folks say, on a clear day you can backtrack forever.) So what you observed is normal for TXL.

Most modern languages have good designs with unambiguous syntax, so a TXL grammar for them is well behaved and you'll never run into this problem. C on the other hand is wildly ambiguous. Simple example: is x; a declaration, or a statement? (It's both, depending on the context.) Technically, C is not actually parseable context-free. c.grm does a best-effort approximation that works almost all of the time, but it still misparses some things.

A problem with backtracking recursive-descent parsers is that when they fail, it's difficult to tell if it's a real syntax error in the input source, or if the grammar is incorrect or missing some syntax that the input source uses.

C is also a multi-level language, with a preprocessor that's interpreted as text lines and can't be explained by any grammar, followed by a context-dependent scanner (!) for lexical tokens that feeds back from the parser. TXL needs to deal with the entire source for transformations to be useful, more or less all at once, which introduces even more ambiguity into the grammar.

Finally, I should point out that TXL is not intended to be a syntax checker. It is designed to process large collections of production source code in order to analyze or transform it. So syntax errors should be a very rare thing, and almost always they are because the grammar needs updating.

CordyJ commented 5 months ago

By the way, to process C code with preprocessor statements in it, you should be using a combination of ifdef.txl with c.txl. c.grm is not intended to parse C preprocessor code, it's not a compiler.

mingodad commented 5 months ago

Thank you again for reply ! I can understand your point, but I also think that this issue/grammar/c_source is giving a good opportunity to review and possibly enhance txl behavior with bad grammars.

Like now that I isolated one small portion ( of sqlite3.c that exhibits the Parse time limit (52200000 cycles) exceeded and looking at it's stack trace I can see it stook in the same line (at the end of the file) without making any progress and when I look in src/ I can see that there is some intention to detect a scenario like the one mentioned here so maybe this issue/example can help review if the code that supposedly already exists can be enhanced/fixed to catch issues like this one.

/usr/bin/time txl -p -v -s 1000 -Dstack trouble.c c2.txl
OpenTxl v11.3.2 (1.4.24) (c) 2024 James R. Cordy and others
Bootstrapping TXL ... 
  ... used 401 trees and 251 kids.
Scanning the TXL program c2.txl
Parsing the TXL program
  ... used 10975 trees and 16420 kids.
Making the input language grammar tree
  ... used 1332 trees and 1563 kids.
Making the rule table
  ... used 2 trees and 0 kids.
Scanning the input file test.c
Parsing the input file
[test.c, c2.txl] : TXL0127E input file 'test.c' - Parse time limit (52200000 cycles) exceeded
=== Parse Stack Dump ===
macro_argument 0
repeat_0_macro_argument 849:156 pParse
repeat_0_macro_argument 849:156 pParse
repeat_0_macro_argument 849:156 pParse
repeat_0_macro_argument 849:156 pParse
macro_declaration_or_statement 0
declaration_or_statement 0
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
repeat_0_block_item 855:156 ;
opt__block_item_list 0
sub_statement 0
while_statement 0
structured_statement 0
unlabeled_statement 0
statement 0
declaration_or_statement 0
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
repeat_0_block_item 860:159 empty
opt__block_item_list 0
function_definition_or_declaration 1:4 SQLITE_PRIVATE
repeat_0_function_definition_or_declaration 1:4 SQLITE_PRIVATE
*undefined 1:4 SQLITE_PRIVATE
=== ===
[test.c, c2.txl] : TXL0191E at end of test.c - Syntax error at end of:
    ; return nErr ; } 
Command exited with non-zero status 1
1.39user 0.02system 0:01.42elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 34576maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+8285minor)pagefaults 0swaps
CordyJ commented 5 months ago

By the way, changing the size never improves parsing. You should use the default size.

CordyJ commented 5 months ago

Thank you again for reply ! I can understand your point, but I also think that this issue/grammar/c_source is giving a good opportunity to review and possibly enhance txl behavior with bad grammars.

This problem has been studied extensively for over 30 years and there is no general solution any better than the one we have. If we tighten the limits and/or cutoffs, we reduce the range of grammars and languages we can handle.