Core-2-Extreme / Video_player_for_3DS

Video player for 3ds
GNU General Public License v3.0
180 stars 17 forks source link

Player freezes after playing 3 seconds of H.264 or H.265 MP4 video #25

Closed iAmInActions closed 2 years ago

iAmInActions commented 2 years ago

I used ffmpeg to convert video to a suitable format that I thought would run well on the 3ds but first I did not get any audio and second the entire player froze after 3 seconds of playback and would not respond. This issue could be reproduced by restarting the 3ds and selecting the same mp4 file again.

ffmpeg commands used (in this order):

ffmpeg -i "$HOME/Video/BigBuckBunny720p30.mp4" -profile:v baseline -preset fast -vf scale=120:72 -vcodec libx264 -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -acodec aac -b:a 64K "/tmp/tmp-bbb.mp4"

ffmpeg -i "/tmp/tmp-bbb.mp4" -filter:v fps=15 "/mnt/3DS/Video_player/bbb.mp4"

Core-2-Extreme commented 2 years ago

Check if ndspinit() is 0x0 How to check ndsp If not 0x0, run dsp1 then try again.