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Sunset current Spell of Forging, add Spell of Smithing #393

Closed riddle closed 9 years ago

riddle commented 9 years ago

Smelting time will be affected by the upcoming Beacons and Overclock effect. This will mean that people can burn through lots of smeltable blocks in no time. Moreover, currently Spell of Forging isn’t used because it requires charcoal, coal or blaze rods – and lava buckets can’t be used.

Spell of Smithing would affect metal combat gear – swords and armor made out of gold, chainmail or iron.

It would smelt it down:

    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 5
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 4
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 3
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 2
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 1
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 6
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 5
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 4
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 3
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 5
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 4
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 3
    result: iron_ingot
    amount: 2
    result: gold_nugget
    amount: 12

Now, the important part is making sure that items’ durability affect the outcome. So while perfect iron chestplate would produce 5 ingots, damaged would produce less. You can look at how SalvageSmelter did this and just copy it. I believe for items with not enough durability, it would produce a piece of charcoal.

Spell can work in player inventory or can be cast on a chest. This spell will not affect actual armor slots on the player.

riddle commented 9 years ago

I guess you don’t have to do anything with Spell of Forging, it can be there and we’ll just stop giving out new ones so they expire or get used up.

riddle commented 9 years ago

One other thing – fuel would be charcoal or coal, where 1 piece is good for 1 item (armor piece or sword alike). Nothing else. This spell is used to salvage stuff from useless item drops from mobs.

matejdro commented 9 years ago

Should I round amount of ingots up on down depending on durability?

Also is it correct that gold items smelt into iron ingots?

Also no wood fuel this time? How about blaze rods or coal blocks?

riddle commented 9 years ago
  1. Round down. Also, check aforelinked SalvageSmelter source.
  2. Not correct, sorry. Gold ingots.
  3. Nothing but charcoal and coal.
matejdro commented 9 years ago

Regarding rounding down what should I do if received ingots would be rounded down to 0? Should I keep the item or just remove it with no compensation?

riddle commented 9 years ago

I believe for items with not enough durability, it would produce a piece of charcoal.

matejdro commented 9 years ago

Oops did not notice that. I'm glad I asked. Two more questions:

  1. Book effect?
  2. [Ignore that question if you already read it]
riddle commented 9 years ago

Hmm I think sound of hitting a blaze could work.

/playsound mob.blaze.hit @a ~ ~ ~ 0.5 0.3
matejdro commented 9 years ago

What about visual effect (fireworks)?

riddle commented 9 years ago

I think I’d prefer to just not use them. There is a big FPS lag when some of those spells do their work (especially growth / decay) and I’d prefer to solve it (in another issue, soon) rather than keep on adding more client-side stuff.