CoreOffice / XMLCoder

Easy XML parsing using Codable protocols in Swift
MIT License
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Build the libraries for distribution. #204

Open JonSalerno opened 3 years ago

JonSalerno commented 3 years ago

Currently the project has not been set to build the libraries for distribution. If we set it to "Yes", then XCode will generate the necessary files for different versions of swift to interact with each other. Then when people update XCode they will no longer have to update the framework with it (Once that gets updated).

MaxDesiatov commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, ABI stability will require us to keep API stability too, which we cannot guarantee at the moment. The API of XMLCoder is still evolving. We could consider enabling ABI and module stability after the release of XMLCoder 1.0 though.

MaxDesiatov commented 3 years ago

Additionally, XMLCoder maintains compatibility with Swift 4.2, while module stability is only available starting with Swift 5.1. As this library is not distributed as a binary, I'd rather keep compatibility with Swift 4.2 at the small cost of recompiling the project when a new Xcode version is released. Besides, I'd recommend the usage of SwiftPM integration of Xcode (available starting with Xcode 11, same version that introduced module stability by the way) instead of CocoaPods or Carthage. The SwiftPM integration in Xcode handles rebuilds for you automatically, as far as I understand.