Corenb / PremiumConnector

Bungeecord plugin to automatically login Premium players and turn their offline UUID to online UUID.
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no command register in bungeecord #23

Closed poohzaza166 closed 3 years ago

poohzaza166 commented 3 years ago

so i type /pemium|prem and in bungeecord terminal and in game booth say command not found

Corenb commented 3 years ago

Hello, the plugin seems to be disable, can you check your Bungeecord logs and search for plugin error on startup or executing command ?

Just in case, command is premium* instead of pemium :)

poohzaza166 commented 3 years ago here is bunggecord log there is an error but the strangest part is i login to auth server and when i am done login it transfer me to lobby automaticlly i did enable debug mode

here is debug mode disable

and yes i do have SQLite-for-BungeeCord.jar in my bungeecord plugin folder

thanks for the support:)

Corenb commented 3 years ago

Error is here : 08:54:33 [WARNING] Exception encountered when loading plugin: PremiumConnector java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad level "DEBUG" at java.logging/java.util.logging.Level.parse( at eu.horyzon.premiumconnector.PremiumConnector.onEnable( at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugins( at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start( at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCordLauncher.main( at net.md_5.bungee.Bootstrap.main(

«DEBUG» level don't exist, please refer you to

Corenb commented 3 years ago

Sorry I didn't see the second logs with : 08:55:19 [SEVERE] java.sql.BatchUpdateException: batch entry 1: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "MODIFY": syntax error) 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Statement.executeBatch( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.ProxyStatement.executeBatch( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariProxyStatement.executeBatch( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at eu.horyzon.premiumconnector.sql.DataSource.initDatabase( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at eu.horyzon.premiumconnector.sql.DataSource.<init>( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at eu.horyzon.premiumconnector.PremiumConnector.onEnable( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugins( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCordLauncher.main( 08:55:19 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.Bootstrap.main(

I guess certain MySQL statement don't works on SQL so I need to fix it. Please try to use the plugin with MySQL server meanwhile I fix it.

poohzaza166 commented 3 years ago
