CorentinJ / Real-Time-Voice-Cloning

Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
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demo_cli melspectrogram error #1218

Open Noobos100 opened 1 year ago

Noobos100 commented 1 year ago

I get this error when running

` File "/home/carlos/Downloads/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning-master/encoder/", line 58, in wav_to_mel_spectrogram frames = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(

TypeError: melspectrogram() takes 0 positional arguments but 2 positional arguments (and 2 keyword-only arguments) were given`

Any ideas as to why that may be? Thanks

raws84 commented 1 year ago

I think its a librosa version issue. Make sure you create a virtual environment with python3.7 and then install ffmpeg, torch, and then the requirements in that order. Specifically make sure you have librosa==0.8.1