CoretechR / Retro-Audio

Portable MP3 Player for Music and Audiobooks
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ILI9341 white screen #4

Open SteigerHSV opened 1 year ago

SteigerHSV commented 1 year ago


I have a problem uploading Retro-Audio using ESP32 dev board v4 and ILI9341 2.8" screen. After successful upload display shows only blank white screen. I also tested it using my other small screen 1.8" with ST7735 and it only shows small chunk of interface. ( i think because it should be 2.8" and i try it on 1.8" but it prove that esp32 works). I also tested ILI9341 on TFT_eSPI demos and they display normally.

I use User_Setup.h that is attech to .ino file only change driver from ST7789_2_DRIVER to ILI9341_2_DRIVER or ILI9341_DRIVER

CoretechR commented 1 year ago

Hi, so you are editing the setup file in the library directory? There should be a few options specific to the ST7789, that you might have to change as well. Are you sure all the pin configurations are correctly defined in the setup file? However if that same setup file works with the demos, it's a bit strange.

SteigerHSV commented 1 year ago

When I open RetroAudio.ino it also open User_Setup.h that is different than TFT_eSPI library User_Setup.h. When I upload code, it use that User_Setup.h from RetroAudio.ino

i want to do photos for this issue so i setup everythig and weird things starts:

First i change RetroAudio.ino User_Setup.h to work with ST7735 same as before, upload... white screen, change for ILI9341, upload, still white screen.

So i loaded clock demo, setup ST7735 in TFT_eSPI library User_Setup.h using default pinout, upload... works! but somehow image is mirrored? I check again User_Setup.h and find out I use by mistake ILI9341_DRIVER instead ST7735_DRIVER... it should not even work but somehow it was. I changed to ST7735_DRIVER upload, white screen again... I back to wrong driver and changed pinout to what it was in RetroAudio.ino User_Setup.h to checked if it still works, it was, so I copy TFT_eSPI library User_Setup.h to RetroAudio.ino User_Setup.h upload and somehow it works but it cant clear background.

So if it works this way I decided to do same thing for ILI9341 and now it somehow works perfect!

It took me something like 4 days and it was not working at all and now it works and I dont even know why...

RAWJUNGLE commented 3 weeks ago

I was able to get the ili9341 display up and running on the first try.


BL -> LED RST-> to pin EN on ESP32

in file User_Setup.h edit

//#define ILI9341_DRIVER // Generic driver for common displays delete - //

define ST7789_2_DRIVER

add - //

settings for arduino ide Board - ESP32 WROOM DA Board (FOR ESP32DEVKITv1) CPU Freaq - 240mHz Core debug Level - none Erase Flash - Enabled Events run - Core0 Flash Freaq - 80Mhz Flash Mode - QIO Flash Size - 4MB Arduino Runs - Core 1 Partition Scheme - NO OTA 2MB APP/ 2MB FATFS UPLOAD SPEED - 115200