CoreyHayward / PowerToys-Run-ClipboardManager

PowerToys Run Plugin enabling searching of the clipboard history and pasting the selected item.
MIT License
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Its not working #4

Closed Kev1n121 closed 6 months ago

Kev1n121 commented 6 months ago

The PowerToys-Run-ClipboardManager is not working here. If I clipboard something. or couple of times with different text, I press c: in the Alt-Space powertoys Nothing happens.

seguri commented 4 months ago

How do I debug problems with this plugin? I followed all the instructions and nothing happens with c:. I'm running on v0.80.1.

CoreyHayward commented 4 months ago

@seguri The easiest way to debug is to follow the installation instructions and then open the project and attach the debugger to the PowerToys.PowerLauncher.exe process. You should then be able to debug the code

seguri commented 4 months ago

@CoreyHayward I'm a mac user, so I'm not particularly inclined in starting debugging windows processes for a malfunctioning plugin, but I can give this a try if it's quick. Where do I find PowerToys.PowerLauncher.exe? I see only PowerToys.Settings.exe running in the task manager. Are there no easy log files to analyze for this problem?

CoreyHayward commented 4 months ago

@seguri Apologies, by "debug" I assumed you meant actually debugging the running code, I should have specified to use Visual Studio for this. However, logs should be available at the following path \%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\PowerToys\PowerToys Run\Logs\ which should detail any errors or exceptions which may be occurring.

seguri commented 4 months ago

Does this:

[2024-04-24 10:38:01.0399] [ERROR] [C:\a\_work\1\s\src\modules\launcher\PowerLauncher\Plugin\PluginManager.cs::239]
-------------------------- Begin exception --------------------------
Message: Exception for plugin <Windows Uri Handler> when query <c:>

Exception full name  : System.UriFormatException
Exception message    : Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
Exception stack trace:
   at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind, UriCreationOptions& creationOptions)
   at Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.UriHelper.ExtendedUriParser.TryParse(String input, Uri& webUri, Uri& systemUri)
   at Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.Main.Query(Query query)
   at PowerLauncher.Plugin.PluginManager.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.<QueryForPlugin>b__0()
   at Wox.Infrastructure.Stopwatch.Debug(String message, Action action)
   at PowerLauncher.Plugin.PluginManager.QueryForPlugin(PluginPair pair, Query query, Boolean delayedExecution)
Exception source     : System.Private.Uri
Exception target site: Void CreateThis(System.String, Boolean, System.UriKind, System.UriCreationOptions ByRef)
Exception HResult    : -2146233033
-------------------------- End exception --------------------------

or this:

[2024-04-24 08:03:28.7587] [ERROR] [C:\a\_work\1\s\src\modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\Programs\UWPApplication.cs::623]
-------------------------- Begin exception --------------------------
Message:    Error status: KNOWN
        Program path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Clipchamp.Clipchamp_3.0.10220.0_neutral__yxz26nhyzhsrt
        Exception thrown in called method: Not available
        Possible interpretation of the error: |Clipchamp.Clipchamp_yxz26nhyzhsrt!App can't find logo uri for Images\AppList.png in package location: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Clipchamp.Clipchamp_3.0.10220.0_neutral__yxz26nhyzhsrt
        Possible resolution: Can be ignored and PowerToys Run should still continue, however the program may not be loaded

Exception full name  : System.IO.FileNotFoundException
Exception message    : Unable to find the specified file.
Exception stack trace:

Exception source     : 
Exception target site: 
Exception HResult    : -2147024894
-------------------------- End exception --------------------------

tell you something?

CoreyHayward commented 4 months ago

@seguri unfortunately not those are errors from other plugins, feel free to send the whole log file and i can take a look when I get a chance