CoreyWarren /

Creating a Django/React/JWT/Redux E-Commerce store for my good friends in Cold Cut. Shout out to Elmar, Lou, and Brian.
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Automatic tax calculations. Either with tax-inclusive pricing or tax-exclusive. #129

Open CoreyWarren opened 1 year ago

CoreyWarren commented 1 year ago

Implementing Stripe's tax calculation API into your existing API which handles payment intents involves several key steps, which can be broadly categorized into the following:

  1. Understanding Stripe's Tax Calculation API: Before you begin implementation, it's essential to thoroughly understand how the API works. This involves going through the API documentation, understanding the data flow, and what data fields are necessary for your application. Time estimate: 1-2 days.

  2. Frontend Changes: Update your React/Redux frontend to handle tax calculation and display. This involves potentially adding a new Redux slice to manage tax-related state, as well as updating your checkout or cart components to display the calculated tax and updated total. Time estimate: 1-3 days.

  3. Backend Changes: Update your Django backend to interact with the Stripe Tax API. This will involve making changes to the API endpoint that handles payment intents. Specifically, you'll need to add a step to calculate taxes using the Stripe API before creating the payment intent, and include the calculated tax amount in the payment intent. Time estimate: 2-4 days.

  4. Update Stripe Webhook: Update your webhook to handle tax-related events (if necessary), and ensure that tax data is correctly stored or processed in your system when a transaction is completed. Time estimate: 1-2 days.

  5. Testing: Thoroughly test the entire flow to ensure that taxes are calculated correctly, displayed to the user correctly, and properly included in the payment intent and processed by Stripe. This includes both manual testing and automated testing, if possible. Time estimate: 2-4 days.

  6. Deployment and Monitoring: Once you've thoroughly tested your changes, you can deploy the updates to your production environment. After deployment, closely monitor the system to ensure that it's working as expected and resolve any issues that arise. Time estimate: 1-2 days.

In total, for a developer new to this, the entire process might take around 1.5-3 weeks. This is just a rough estimate and the actual time could vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of your existing system, the developer's familiarity with your tech stack and Stripe's APIs, and the extent of changes required in your frontend and backend.

Remember to account for additional time to troubleshoot any issues that arise, as well as time to handle any other regular work tasks or responsibilities. It's always better to overestimate a bit to account for unexpected challenges or delays.

Lastly, while the above steps provide a general guide, the exact steps and the order in which they should be done can vary depending on your specific application and workflow.