Here are some suggested changes, mostly for the examples:
Avoid warning of uninitialized Log4Perl by adding including 'easy'
Added name, synopsis and description where it was missing
Added sendkeys to README Instead of the loop over ARGV, process only one file. Two reasons: 1) output went to the same file anyway, overwriting previous renderings, and 2) with the pure-perl event loop, the second request hangs infinitely - seems that there's no event happening. With EV all is fine.
A data file links.html was added (needed by
Not related to the examples: A test file was moved from the root directory to /t, with some changes I received per Mail.
I've re-generated but not yet made changes to the Changes file.
Here are some suggested changes, mostly for the examples:
I've re-generated but not yet made changes to the Changes file.