Open arahnale opened 4 years ago
I've never used basic auth with a proxy, but maybe try
launch_arg => ['--proxy-server=']
... or try setting the HTTP_PROXY variable before launching Chrome:
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Chrome->new(
# launch_arg => []
Thanks, but it didn’t work. I managed to make authorization through:
launch_arg => ['--proxy-server='],
$chrome->driver->send_packet('Fetch.enable' , 'handleAuthRequests' => JSON::true );
my $asdf = $chrome->add_listener('Fetch.requestPaused', sub {
my( $info ) = @_;
my $requestId = $info->{'params'}{'requestId'};
$chrome->driver->send_message('Fetch.continueRequest' , 'requestId' => $requestId);
my $asd = $chrome->add_listener('Fetch.authRequired', sub {
my( $info ) = @_;
my $requestId = $info->{'params'}{'requestId'};
print "Fetch auth\n";
my %auth = (
'requestId' => $requestId ,
"authChallengeResponse" => {"response" => "ProvideCredentials" , "username" => "my_user_name" , "password" => "my_password"});
my $a = $chrome->driver->send_message('Fetch.continueWithAuth' , %auth);
@arahnale I'm trying your code, and it should work from what I can tell, but the Fetch.authRequired just doesn't seem to trigger. It only triggers the Fetch.requestPaused. "Fetch pause" is all that is outputted with a proxy error in chromium. Any suggestions?
my $asd = $mechtwo->add_listener('Fetch.authRequired', sub {
my( $info ) = @_;
print "Fetch auth\n";
my $requestId = $info->{'params'}{'requestId'};
my %auth = (
'requestId' => $requestId ,
"authChallengeResponse" => {"response" => "ProvideCredentials" , "username" => "" , "password" => ""});
my $a = $mechtwo->target->send_message('Fetch.continueWithAuth' , %auth);
my $asdf = $mechtwo->add_listener('Fetch.requestPaused', sub {
my( $info ) = @_;
print "Fetch pause\n";
my $requestId = $info->{'params'}{'requestId'};
$mechtwo->target->send_message('Fetch.continueRequest' , 'requestId' => $requestId);
Hello. Please tell me how you can use basic authorization (login , password) when